Richard Brady's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Inter-Comics Podcast Reviews: 3
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Ant-Man (2015) #1

Jan 9, 2015

Spencer and Rosanas have given us the perfect debut issue of a series that looks set to be one of Marvel's best books of 2015. Is it crazy of me to suggest this after only one issue? Yes, but I can guarantee I'm not the only person thinking it. Ant-Man holds so much promise, that it could very well be the Daredevil, Hawkeye and Ms. Marvel of 2015.

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Gotham By Midnight #1

Nov 30, 2014

This was a fantastic debut issue that promises to be start of quite a thrilling first arc. Is this the best title to come out of the new wave of DC books? Im going to go all out and say yes. Not to take anything away from Gotham Academy and Arkham Manor, but Gotham by Midnight feels like it has so much more to offer and so much more to give. It was an absolute pleasure to read.

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Spider-Woman (2014) #1

Nov 21, 2014

Spider-Woman #1 didnt feel like a debut title, but rather like a Silk tie-in to Spider-Verse. Is that a good thing? Well no, not really. Just let the Spider-Woman ongoing focus on Spider-Woman. All-New Captain America isnt tied to the events in AXIS, so surely Spider-Woman doesnt have to be connected to whats currently taking place in Dan Slotts Spider-Verse either?Overall the issue felt like a forgettable disappointment. It just feels like Marvel has come into this from a completely different angle than to what everybody was expecting, and it hasnt paid off. Nick Lowe, Senior Editor at Marvel, has said this is going to be a character defining first arc for the Spider-Woman ongoing, but judging from this first issue, it doesnt feel that way at all.

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