Ryan Lagerstrom's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: We The Nerdy Reviews: 3
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Captain America (2012) #14

Dec 19, 2013

All in all, Captain America #14 offers some interesting ideas and a fun, issue-long action scene, but not much more than that. The preachiness and shallow exploration of ideas prevent it from being anything more than run-of-the-mill superhero action.

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FF (2012) #15

Dec 27, 2013

As sad as I am that this series is ending (and as of yet, has had no announcement of an “All-New” relaunch), I am also glad that it was able to retain such a high quality throughout the entirety of its run, and tell a complete story with good, old-fashioned character arcs and everything! In short, if you haven't been reading this book, buy the trades and catch up before the final issue! Trust me, it's worth it and would make a great Christmas present! And if you've been a devoted fan of the series from day one like me, don't take this series for granted, because there aren't many others quite like it and it won't be around for much longer. See you next month!

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Pretty Deadly #3

Dec 27, 2013

I've gushed quite a bit about this issue and this series in general, but I don't think I would quite call it a perfect issue. There is a lot going on at once. The series has been juggling a myriad of plots and character narratives ever since issue one, and though it's been able to keep them all in the air coherently, it feels as though one small misstep could cause the whole thing to come tumbling down into an incoherent mess. I suppose if DeConnick and Rios are able to stick the landing to the end of this first arc, they'll have succeeded in keeping it all together. Here's hoping they do, because I love the crap out of this book and eagerly look forward to more High-Fantasy-Western-Mythology goodness!

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