Ryan Villanueva's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Flip Geeks Reviews: 6
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Adventure Time (2012): 2014 Winter Special #1

Feb 4, 2014

I liked how this issue was written, it was nice reading different artists' perspective on a common theme, Winter. Among all the stories in Adventure Time: 2014 Winter Special, it was Snow Hope that I liked most. It was simple and well-written and had some funny moments in it, I actually laugh at a line or two reading that story. Overall, Adventure Time: 2014 Winter Special is not that bad, for a person who's not well acquainted with the Adventure Time franchise, I had a nice time reading it but it wasn't enough to convert me into a fan. The art in this issue reminds me of the comics section in Sunday newspapers. The panels were straight forward and the art is brightly colored something that would greatly appeal to young readers. Adventure Time: 2014 Winter Special is a nice gift to someone who you'd like to introduce to the comic book format but its also a nice addition to your collection if you're a fan of this series.

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Adventure Time: The Flip Side #1

Jan 14, 2014

Adventure Time: Flip Side issue 1 is well written and the twist to its story makes you look forward to what happens next in the series. For long time fans, I'm sure that they would love this title as well as this is a new adventure added to probably a number of adventures that Jake and Finn had. For long time fans and new readers Adventure Time: Flip Side # 1 is a nice addition to your pick list if you're trying to look for fresh new titles to read.

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Bravest Warriors 2014 Annual #1

Feb 4, 2014

Overall, I had a pleasure reading BRAVEST WARRIORS: 2014 ANNUAL CATBUG. It's actually a nice break from all the mainstream titles you might have been reading weekly, if you need a break then this issue is worth the shot. It's also nice to introduce Catbug to young readers you might know and get them started on their own comic book collection.

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Curse #1

Jan 20, 2014

It's hard to write a review without spoiling anything but Curse is a comic book that you need to experience for yourself. Curse is a well written story with a different approach to a well known horror character with a dark and gritty artwork to match. All I have are praises for this book and as you might have read I couldn't hide my satisfaction on this review. I have high hopes on the succeeding issues and I'm interested as to how this story would develop. Curse #1 is one of the surprising great reads I have in a while. I highly recommend picking up this book.

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Hacktivist #1

Jan 29, 2014

Hacktivist tells a story relevant to the world we live in today. Hacktivist explores the possibility of how powerful social media can be, how it can be bring change and revolution to society. In recent years we've learned how social media helped social media sparked revolutions in bringing down governments and regimes and that's what could have inspired the creation of Hacktivist. After reading the first issue Im now interested as to how the story develops as this book is only a 4 part series (which I think is a short number of issues for a story of this scope). This has been another suprising treat for me, never expected Hacktivist to be this good, it's a good choice to include it in your pick list this week.

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Revelations #2

Feb 13, 2014

Like any television series ever made just when it's getting down to the good parts, the show (or in this case, this issue) ends. Revelations #2 is a nice development to the story, it lives up to the title of the book, it only reveals information that would keep you wanting to know more about what happens next in this series and the full Revelation at the end. Revelations #2 provides more questions than answers in this issue. Yes, Charlie may have uncovered relevant information to the case but at the end you'll think about the possibility about Charlie being right and what other secrets is the Vatican is trying to hide. With Revelations #2 just being the second issue you know that there are more Revelations to be made on this series but so far this book is headed in the right direction.

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