Sam Kittrel's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: DC Comics News Reviews: 12
6.5Avg. Review Rating

Batman / Superman (2013) #11

May 21, 2014

BATMAN/SUPERMAN #11 is like watching people who only read comics in the 90′s pitch a TV show featuring their favorite characters. This is a crossover book and almost nothing else – entirely meant to ferry along plot points introduced in the rest of the books it ties too. What I hate most of all about this book is that someone is going to actually have to read it if they want to know how Xa-Du is going to be important to this crossover, tying it into the ongoing narrative a lot closer than a book of this quality should have been. My recommendation to anyone that picks this issue up is to flip to the end of it where Xa-Du gloats about Doomsday and be done with it.

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Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell #1

May 30, 2014

Paul Dini's done it again and I doubt he could've done it without such a stellar artist on board. Take a lesson from this, New 52 writers: All of the artists and writers on board can't save a book if none of them can tie it together.

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Detective Comics (2011) #32

Jun 12, 2014

DETECTIVE COMICS #32 is finding bat legs in your calamari, and deciding to eat it anyway. That's a fish joke, because there's a bat-squid fight. That's all I got. I'm hoping that Buccellato and Manapul can continue to pull off more issues like this. There was certainly never any massive problems in The Flash under the team there to undermine the book's core character at all; and while talking with Manapul briefly he seemed to be the kind of guy who genuinely enjoys Batman and knew what he wanted to see out of the character. The World's Greatest Detective is currently in a pair of incredibly able hands; and I'm very excited to see the places they decide to take him.

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Earth 2 #25

Jul 3, 2014

I'm really looking forward to seeing the showdown between two Superman be realized, since it'll be the first large scale battle between two super-powerful characters that EARTH 2 has really had, and it's definitely “that kind” of comic. What I'm nervous about though is what comes after. Just like WORLDS' FINEST is getting a new direction, when the dust settles on EARTH 2, will it continue to feel like the better new parts of the New 52, or are all of our new actors going to take their bows in the same place as the old ones?

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Grayson #1

Jul 10, 2014

GRAYSON #1 is all of the best parts of spy fiction distilled into twenty-so pages of excellent color choices and intrigue. GRAYSON #1 tells this story in a better way than the issue that was meant as Dick Grayson's send off from the pages of NIGHTWING did. I've been waiting for a solid #1 issue for a new series from DC for a while now, and GRAYSON manages to deliver it on every count. I'm more interested to see where Helena Bertinelli's character goes – we're already well acquainted with Dick Grayson, and I sincerely hopes she becomes a centerpiece of this series.

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Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #3

Jun 3, 2014

INFINITE CRISIS #3 is The Movie of The Game. More importantly, INFINITE CRISIS is a great example of how to not to a tie in with a freshly launched property. What would have been a much better move for DC would have been to wait for the game to soldier on for a little while longer still, and plan an issue about the unique aspects of the game itself,rather than trying to justify the plot that's been laid out for a game that's strictly played online with other combatants.

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Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #4

Jun 10, 2014

INFINITE CRISIS #4 is losing your friends at a comic convention and having them talk about it. I mentioned a little up there that if you're looking for a jaunt through extra Earth's exploring more concepts in The DC Universe that you'll have to wait until Geoff Johns new title comes out, and that's still true. INFINITE CRISIS is starting to seem like it may be able to deliver " if it can stay away from hilariously awful comics writing and some better presentation issue to issue, it might soon become a series that gets an instant buy from comic fans. Until then, at least they have nice covers.

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Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #7

Jul 1, 2014

INFINITE CRISIS #7 is the best parts of Mad Max and a Lobster dinner. Or maybe the dinner is going to come next issue, when our team wipes the floor with Atomic Bane. You can't have a mainstream superhero book where the team is completely ineffective unless you were writing THE RUNAWAYS during its first year. I want to see INFINITE CRISIS become more of a counterpart to the videogame tie-in. The videogame is very much all about your heroes getting to cut loose a little bit, so why not translate that type of action over to the page?

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Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #8

Jul 9, 2014

INFINITE CRISIS #8 is as much fun as cotton candy, or funnel cake at a fair. It's delicious and sweet, but you can't survive off of it alone. Yes, there's problems with INFINITE CRISIS. It might have weight in the fight scenes but it certainly lacks it in the narrative. Placing it on a review scale is hard though, because every comic doesn't need to be a MOON KNIGHT or THE SANDMAN. A fun book can just simply exist.

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Supergirl (2011) #31

May 23, 2014

Maybe my joke about management earlier is well founded, almost all of the books I've reviewed this month certainly feel like it. Like somewhere an invisible editor, titanic in size, was telling the creative team a series of necessary story bits each issue had to hit in order to make publication. Let's make sure there are no less than three potential villains showcased – okay yeah, Guy Gardner needs to do something important to. While you're at it, make Supergirl sexy in at least one panel if you can.

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Supergirl (2011) #32

Jun 20, 2014

I'm not sick of The Worldkillers by any means, but I want this storyline to finally intersect and tie itself back together. Oddly enough, where SUPERGIRL is at is also where WORLDS' FINEST and WONDER WOMAN are at, plot wise. We'll probably be all finished with stories that started when The New 52 rolls around – just in time for the ‘Band-aid‘. Think about that.

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World's Finest (2012) #24

Jun 11, 2014

Maybe if it was more willing to juxtapose how Huntress was taught by Earth-2 Batman with how ‘our' Batman operates this issue could have been more interesting. Until there's a writer that makes that choice though, the best things about WORLDS' FINEST this week are unintentional storytelling.

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