Stephanie Estes's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Major Spoilers Reviews: 3
6.7Avg. Review Rating

Aquaman (2011) #29

Apr 1, 2014

This issue of Aquaman was pretty okay. It wasnt anything spectacular, but it wasnt bad either. I havent decided yet whether Ill buy the next issue or not. As far as my recommendations to you on your purchase of this issue Ill say dont run out specifically to get it, but if you happen to be out and youre in an Aquaman kind of mood, or you have been looking for a good jumping-on point, then sure. Its only $3.

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Clockwork Angels #1

Mar 21, 2014

Overall, I really just CANNOT recommend this book highly enough, particularly if you are an existing fan of Rush or Kevin J. Anderson, though even if you are unfamiliar with both you will still find enjoyment here. Nick Robles art was by far my favorite thing about this book, leaving me drooling for more. I absolutely will continue to purchase this title as it is released. If you are into fantasy, steampunk, or Rush- do yourself a solid and go buy this book.

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The Crow: Pestilence #1

Mar 16, 2014

I tried really hard to keep this review as objective as I could. I am aware that The Crow has a sizable cult following, and I may catch a lot of crap for my mostly negative review. So, should you go buy the book? Maybe. I will admit that I didnt like much of anything about the book (read: I hated it all), but when I tried I couldnt quite put my finger on why. This leads me to the conclusion that its really and truly just a person opinion, and you may very well like the book very much, particularly if you have enjoyed The Crow titles in the past.

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