Steve Fasone's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Latest Pull Reviews: 7
7.7Avg. Review Rating

American Legends #2

Nov 11, 2014

“American Legends” has a some solid ideas behind it. Unfortunately, the poor execution of those ideas really hold this book back. It's got a great premise, but the wrong creative team thus far. It still has three issues left leaving it some room to improve. So is it worth picking up? If you're looking to be entertained by a few fantastical stories and random historical cameos, why not give it a shot.

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Drifter #3

Jan 22, 2015

While there isn't much going on in this issue that moves the plot along, it fleshes out the world a little more. It's not slow though, things are happening, and the reader is constantly being given new information. The art is fantastic, the writing is solid, and the book answers one question and asks three more leaving you wanting just a little bit more.

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Oddly Normal #5

Feb 3, 2015

As a whole, “Oddly Normal” is shaping up to be an impressive all-ages comic. Frampton's storytelling, art, lettering, and coloring give the book its own unique personality. It may be written towards children, but I think there's something about the book that readers of every age can enjoy.

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Rocket Raccoon (2014) #5

Nov 6, 2014

Skottie Young delivers another good issue. It's a fun read, especially if you're coming off of the hype from the not so recent “Guardians of the Galaxy” movie and want more Rocket and Groot. This issue still has all of the things Rocket Raccoon should have, shooting guns, flying spaceships, and frequenting sketchy places, plus the ending is spot on. It never takes itself too seriously and is really pretty to look at.

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Spider-Woman (2014) #1

Nov 22, 2014

As a tie-in to the current Spider-Man event, it's a solid issue and sheds some more light on what the Inheritors are after. As a debut issue of a new ongoing series, it leaves a lot to be desired. Hopefully issue #2 will give us a better idea on where the series is going and give more life to the Spider-Woman character.

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Superior Iron Man #1

Nov 14, 2014

"Superior Iron Man" #1 is a promising beginning for this new series. If you aren't too keen on the character, it probably adds even more to the issue. Turning Tony back into a self-interested, wise-cracker who drinks too much might seem like a gimmick but Taylor does a great job at producing something fresh. Taylor never makes Tony's personality change feel too forced. As much as we aren't supposed to like him, there is a lot of entertainment value to be had when we transform our hero into something he once was. We all know that Tony will eventually turn back, and we know that he'll have to deal with the ramifications of his actions, but we get to have a little fun while it lasts.

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Tech Jacket (2014) #5

Nov 7, 2014

Overall, this issue sets the story up well for the finale of the arc next month. There are still a lot of questions to answer and I'm excited to see how it all wraps up. This is a great series that has so much potential to become even better.

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