taschabear's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Pop Culture Uncovered Reviews: 6
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Aquaman (2016) #2

Jul 6, 2016

Many comic book readers have never given Aquaman much credit, especially where credit isdue. “Rebirth” is giving the world an opportunity to get to know this amazing character at a new level and readers should take advantage of that. The coloring has been fluid and clean, and the inking has been precise. The artwork is what I would expect to truly portray the beauty of Atlantis, and the writing has been true to the characters.

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Flash (2016) #2

Jul 13, 2016

In summary, Barry's unspoken request of not being alone is definitely answered within the last pages of the issue – maybe even more so than he expected! The Flash issues are taking an interesting turn in regards to the story line of Rebirth. As a long time fan, I hope this current excitement and flow continues for many installments to come.

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Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1

Jun 8, 2016

Long story short, grab the first issue of The Flash: Rebirth for $2.99 (before tax) and immerse yourself into the Central City Speedster's World. I have been left with a hunger, that I feel I won't satisfy until the next issue is in my grubby hands.

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #30

Jun 30, 2016

In essence, the Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle once again saves the day by helping a friend realize their true selves, because what else are true friends for? Just like the TV show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic book series is great for people of all ages. The appeal is probably more geared to young girls between the ages of 6-9, but taking one sneak peek at the fandom it is evident that bronies and pegasisters of all walks of life are present. All people could use a refresher course on what it means to be a good friend, and to self reflect on past situations that could have been handled differently, and with the help of the MLP comic book that may be a great way to do so.

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Peanuts Friends: Forever 2016 Special #1

Jul 5, 2016

In conclusion, the Peanuts gang never disappoints with their insightful commentary about every day issues and their quick witted problem solving skills. The art is pleasant and cute, and with the color usage sticking to primary colors the simplicity is appealing to the eye.

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She Wolf #1

Jun 22, 2016

Long story short, I can appreciate the colorization and the panel transitions of this comic. I think it's a great example of sticking to the basics, but stillallowing the creator'spersonality come through the pages. However, I do not foresee an in-depth storyline due to the overall confusion that the reader is already put in, nor character development, nor overall growth in the comic. If you are looking for something completely different and independent than maybe this is a stylethat you would be fond of.

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