Thomas James Juretus's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: We The Nerdy Reviews: 2
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Redlands #1

Jun 23, 2017

Redlands opens with a fast paced book, one that poses many questions but offers little to no answers. This first issue seeks to hook the reader through a dire situation instead of a character, and to a great point succeeds in doing so. The sketchy artwork may seem sloppy at first glance, but it works with the chaos unfolding, and is further enhanced by some great coloring. We've seen witches before in comics (notably from Greg Rucka in Black Magick and Scott Snyder in Wytches), and we'll just have to see how Bellaire and Del Rey set there witches apart and make them unique enough to help this title stand out. As it is, the book is a solid debut, with Bellaire and Del Rey making a solid creative team, and has my interest enough to make me see what will come next. It will just remain to be seen if it attracts enough of an audience to help future issues sell.

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Redlands #2

Sep 12, 2017

. Redlands may not be the best book hitting the stands, but its first two issues have both been solid and consistent, with a mystery that has me curious. It's that mystery that makes this book worth checking out, and has me hopeful the pay-off will all be worth it in the end.

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