Tim Board's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Hawkworld Reviews: 29
9.7Avg. Review Rating

Hawkman (2018) #1

Jun 16, 2018

The last few years have been a bit rough for Hawkfans and we've had our share of disappointments. Those disappointments kept me from having honest expectations as the series began. I realize now that I was subconsciously guarded against being let down again. But Venditti and Hitch's Hawkman has given me the freedom to hope for something really great. Hawkman and Hawkgirl have been given a chance to become major players in the DC Universe again. Snyder and Venditti are setting up the new Hawkworld for us to follow.

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Hawkman (2018) #2

Jul 12, 2018

This series is fun! Hawkman has always been a character with so much potential and we have a writer is not afraid to do what he wants with the character. Everything about Hawkman has been put on the table; his origins, his background, his powers, his costume, Hawkgirl, etc. Venditti isn't going to reveal everything all at once about Hawkman. It's coming one piece at a time and it's going to be a blast. The flight continues!

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Hawkman (2018) #3

Aug 10, 2018

Ladies and Gents, we are in for quite a ride with this new Hawkman. Venditti is going to let Hawkman fly in every sense of the word. So strap on those harnesses and get ready for a great adventure.

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Hawkman (2018) #4

Sep 14, 2018

There have been many Hawkman series over the years, but as a long time fan, it feels like Hawkman has finally been given the character, the abilities, the supporting cast and the art to reach his full potential. Venditti and Hitch have gone above and beyond many expectations for the comic, and I cannot wait for the flight ahead. Wings out!

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Hawkman (2018) #5

Oct 12, 2018

The issue was a big leap forward in the current story, but this issue's most lasting impression was the friendship of two heroes. With all the fighting going on between heroes in the comics and movies lately, it was a breath of fresh air to see Hawkman and Carter as we remembered them to be; two heroes who love each other as brothers, and who will always continue their friendship no matter how many years have passed. May we all have a friendship like that.

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Hawkman (2018) #6

Nov 15, 2018

The first five issues were fun, but this issue really took off. It had its moments of humor, desperation, panic, revelation and another farewell. After you finish reading, you are left with one thought; Venditti and Hitch have made comics truly fun again. This comic is a must for any fan of the superhero genre of comics.

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Hawkman (2018) #7

Dec 12, 2018

Hawkman has been defined in several ways. He is about flight, exploration, discovery, and reincarnation. I have always thought that his story is about order. Here is a hero who desperately wants to find the answers to his life and get his life, his existence, and his soul back in order. And we now have a new definition of Hawkman; redemption. With this new origin and meaning, Hawkman is soaring higher than he ever has before.

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Hawkman (2018) #8

Jan 17, 2019

This issue made me want to follow Hawkman on his journey, to see how he is going to defeat the threat of death and hopelessness in front of him and find that hope. I want to find out how he finds a way to soar. And I know he will. Because he is Hawkman.

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Hawkman (2018) #9

Feb 13, 2019

This issue didn't really move the story ahead too far, and we will have to wait to see what solution Hawkman comes up with. But with Venditti's writing and Hitch and company's art, it's going to be a wild, shocking and soaring ride.

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Hawkman (2018) #10

Mar 14, 2019

Tell your friends. Tell your neighbors. Tell your comic book store. This is a superhero comic book that should be read by every comic book fan on the planet. This is a Hawkman that we have never seen before. And I would hate for them to miss out.

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Hawkman (2018) #11

Apr 11, 2019

I urge everyone to go check out the comic for themselves. Better yet, find a way to start reading from issue No. 1 and treat yourself to an amazing adventure. Cast aside preconceived ideas about Hawkman being confusing. Discover a familiar character for the first time and enjoy the flight.

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Hawkman (2018) #12

May 8, 2019

Venditti's opening story comes to a close with Hawkman having a greater grasp of his history, knowledge, and powers, and he is once again the general of the former Deathbringers. Every good story leaves us with questions, allowing us to imagine what will happen next, and Venditti does a good job with that here. It will be interesting to see what happens with his army, Shiera, his situation on Earth, and the next crisis up ahead.

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Hawkman (2018) #13

Jun 12, 2019

Even though we never saw Hawkman fly in this issue, this is truly a book that lets us soar, even if it's just for a few minutes a day. I hope everybody gets to experience that uplifting feeling when reading Hawkman.

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Hawkman (2018) #14

Jul 11, 2019

After a long battle with the immortal Deathbringers and a trip down memory lane, we now get to see Hawkman go up against one of his greatest enemies. It's going to be a wild and welcome ride, and with Venditti writing, we can be sure there are many more surprises ahead. Fasten those harnesses tightly and keep soaring!

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Hawkman (2018) #15

Aug 14, 2019

hether you're a veteran or new Hawkfan, if you're looking for a fun comic book with a great hero, this is it.

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Hawkman (2018) #16

Sep 12, 2019

The third issue of this current storyline has Hawkman doing his thing with his mace, the Shade throwing shade around, Shadow Thief using his powers to create a monster, an appearance by Gentleman Ghost and an ominous cliffhanger. What more could you want from a Hawkman comic?

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Hawkman (2018) #17

Oct 10, 2019

His battle against Shadow Thief was brutal on both sides, but the ending to this issue makes it appear as just a sample of what lies ahead. When a comic book makes you check when the next issue is out, it's a sign of a good comic book. And ladies and gents, Hawkman is a good comic book.

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Hawkman (2018) #18

Nov 14, 2019

Venditti continues to bring us an entertaining superhero story with just enough action and dialogue to keep us discovering more about Hawkman and without it becoming weighed down with words.

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Hawkman (2018) #19

Dec 11, 2019

It's pure comic book fun and that's never a bad thing.

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Hawkman (2018) #20

Jan 9, 2020

While I can't wait to get Carter Hall back, I'm also enjoying the story Venditti is building. All the major characters are coming together, and they are going to do everything they can to stop one of the most horrifying characters in Hawkman's history. If you haven't jumped on this ride yet, you're missing out!

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Hawkman (2018) #21

Feb 13, 2020

Hawkman by Robert Venditti continues to be one of the best comics that DC Comics has to offer right now. If you're looking for a good superhero adventure, this is the place.

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Hawkman (2018) #22

Mar 12, 2020

This series has been one of the best in comics over the past two years, and it appears it will continue. Don't miss out on this classic.

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Hawkman (2018) #23

May 5, 2020

Venditti continues to give us panels that are so touching or full of impact. This issue was no exception. It seems like an easy read, but after reading it a few times over, you catch things you missed or didn't realize the first time. With Venditti, one read is never enough. That's good writing.

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Hawkman (2018) #24

Jun 17, 2020

Hawkman continues to soar high and if you're not picking it up, you're really missing out on a good one. Comics need all the support we can give them right now so go pick this one up, buy an extra copy to give to a friend and let's make sure the Hawks get to soar for a long time to come.

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Hawkman (2018) #25

Jul 7, 2020

Fernando Pasarin and Oclair Albert were absent for this one issue so Marco Castiello and Danny Miki handled the art this time. Shayera looked absolutely beautiful in this issue. That full page of her was jaw-dropping awesome.

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Hawkman (2018) #26

Aug 11, 2020

Although there was a feeling of finality and a strange sense of melancholy as the issue came to a close, I also felt thankful to all involved for bringing us such a great addition to the legend of Hawkman. As the series continues, Hawkman and Hawkwoman start out on another journey together and who knows where they will go from here. If we've learned anything, it is to expect the unexpected when it comes to Hawkman.

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Hawkman (2018) #27

Sep 8, 2020

Hawkman is having to deal with the reality of death, and we are having to deal with the reality of a great comic book series ending. But Venditti's Hawkman is not about death, but about life and soaring above it all. It will be interesting to see how Venditti brings this series to a close. I'm pretty sure we will be soaring in the end, and I'm looking forward to it.

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Hawkman (2018) #28

Oct 13, 2020

This was a difficult issue to process for me. When you know a series is ending, there's an ominous feeling that's hard to shake. And with characters like Hawkman and Hawkwoman, there are no guarantees that they will back in the comics soon, so you have to prepare for a long goodbye. I wouldn't have these feelings if the writing had been bad. Venditti has written a character who is not only a superhero but also a man named Carter Hall under the helmet. I'm going to miss this character.

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Hawkman (2018) #29

Nov 11, 2020

Some comics are made to amaze, some are made to horrify, and some are made to shock. Venditti's Hawkman allowed Hawkfans to soar. It saddens me to see the series end, but for just a while, Venditti gave us wings to fly with the Hawks. I'll never forget that.

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