Weston Sheffield's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Superbromovies Reviews: 2
9.5Avg. Review Rating

Moon Knight (2016) #13

Apr 26, 2017

The story Jeff Lemire crafts here in undeniably strong, but Greg Smallwood once again proves how perfect of a match he is for this book. His distinct, moody style makes the halls of Marcs mind feel an eerie, alien place, as they surely feel for Marc himself. And his covers, which have simply been one masterpiece after another, shows one of the most frightening portraits of Raul Bushman yet put to page. Moon Knight is a character who artists have always had a strong influence over, and Greg Smallwood is easily ranked among Declan Shalvey and Bill Sienkiewicz as some of the best.

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Moon Knight (2016) #14

Jun 9, 2017

Jeff Lemires run on this book has been groundbreaking. A complex and often confusing character piece, it featured no crossovers with any other corner of the Marvel universe. It focused solely on Moon Knight and his supporting cast. Its the perfect blend of the best previous runs, such as the original 1980 series and the recently popular 2014 series. Its called back to every good part of the characters and mythos and helped heal some of the wounds done by lesser writers. It is one of those runs that could be an end to a character. If this was the last of Moon Knight, it would be the most satisfying end possible.

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