Judge Dredd Megazine #217

Artist: Various Publisher: 2000AD Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Craig Lemon Mar 23, 2004

    A half-page column by Rennie on plagiarism and the sharing of ideas (mentioned as Idea Space by many other writers) is followed by the concluding strip in the comic and its a cracker. Its the concluding episode of Judge Anderson: Half-Life by Alan Grant and Arthur Ranson, and you really cant go wrong with this pairing. The rebellion in the past on Judge Deaths homeworld is torn to pieces and Anderson shocked back into awareness in current Mega-City One, but shes bringing a visitor with her, and this particular visitor cant be stopped superb story, and at 12-page chunks its solved the prior problems of shorter continuing strips in the Megazine. This one needs collecting in a book right now. Read Full Review

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