Time travel is real! Scientific prodigy Randall Patton has had a breakthrough that allows travel through the timestream, which immediately led to the creation of The Argus, the temporal law enforcement organization that polices the time/space continuum. After an accident renders one of the members of The Argus insane, he begins killing off the others - except they are all versions of Randall Patton from various points in his own life! Who can stop Randall but himself?
Writer Mark Bertolini puts readers right into the heart of the story with a clever concept and great dialogue. This issue has one of the best lines I have read in a long time. The 1996 version of Randall gets to the future and is impressed with how it looks, especially when he finds out that it all exists because of him. He tells his older self that all of the missed dates and sports were worth it to create this future. His older self gruffly replies, We never had any dates, and we sucked at sports as a kid. You cant lie to me; Im you! Great line! Read Full Review
Time travel gives a whole bunch of people a headache. Learning the ropes of another universe can be difficult, whether it be Trek, Back to the Future, Endgame of even Calvin and Hobbes. Still, when the premise is as interesting as the one here, putting the time in is more than worth the effort. Read Full Review
The Argus #1 isn't ground-breaking or wholly captivating, but it is interesting enough to hook me for now. If I weren't such a time-travel aficionado I might have not been on board for future issues; the art and other story elements, so far, are simply not too great a draw on their own. Let's say I'm cautiously optimistic about the future. And yes, that was a bit of a time-travel pun. Read Full Review
THE ARGUS #1 is an intriguing, trippy story about time travel and what could happen when the wrong traveler goes rogue. The head-spinning details are handled well, and the action set pieces are well-done, but an odd inconsistency in the art contradicts a major part of the story. Read Full Review