Kid Sherlock #3

Writer: Justin Phillips Artist: Sean Miller Publisher: Action Lab Comics Release Date: August 23, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.8Critic Rating
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Recess is a time for fun, to clear ones mind of the drudgery of the classroom. But for the students of Baker Elementary room 221, it is a solemn occasion. The playground equipment has all gone missing. Worse yet, when Sherlock and Watson run into trouble with a group of 'big kids,' Sherlock is forced to face his worst nightmare, his older brother.

  • 10
    PopCultHQ - Joshua Winchester Aug 23, 2017

    Kid Sherlock isa series that just keeps on being fun. Its an exciting read because it is reminiscent of such boy detectives as Encyclopedia Brown and the Hardy Boys, but instead takes the Master Detective and his faithful friend into the role of junior sleuths. Solving crimes in the schools halls and on the playground, nothing will keep Sherlock and Watson from finding answers and solving the mystery in this weeks issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.5 - Harrison Rawdin Aug 24, 2017

    Kid Sherlock #3 is a kid friendly all ages book that just deserves to find an audience out there. If you have a little one in your life that's just starting to get into comics this title from Action Lab is a perfect jumping on point. Its story feels like a Saturday morning cartoon in all the best possible ways, as the creative team presents their third case file with the whole of recess itself is sadly caught in the balance! Read Full Review

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