Our heroes must undertake an epic quest across a broken and dangerous land...AMERICA! When the mad monk, Epoch Craev unleashes monsters on small towns, Warlock and the War Party face more than just impossible creatures as they're assaulted by suspicion, anger and the dying gasps of the American dream.
The Bequest feels like its finally picking up momentum with Issue #3, moving further away from the "D&D Campaign Turned Into a Comic" vibe and more into the social commentary it's clearly more interested in covering. Read Full Review
Bequest is a lot of fun in general and I like the big picture feel of where things are going here and can definitely enjoy it. But at the same time I have a hard time really getting fully committed to it. It's more of a superficial enjoyment because it's fun and has a lot going on. That's not a bad thing at all but I wish it just was more accessible in a way I can't quite pin down. The artwork is great, the characters are fun, and the concept works. But for me, it's just a hair off and leaves me unsettled in trying to really connect with it. Read Full Review