When evil men and women escape from the depths of the eternal abyss, the Pirate Queen Lady Shih is sent to retrieve them. But when one of history's most notorious killers breaks free, even she needs help. Enter the Heathens: Shih, Lucky Luciano, Bumpy Johnson, Sofia the Golden Hand, and Billy the Kid. From Hell they came to mete out a justice as dark as their own tormented souls.
From the wonderfully wretched imaginations of AfterShock horror-alum Cullen Bunn (EDEN, PIECEMEAL, DARK ARK) and Heath Amodio (SuperCLEAN), and illustrated by superstar Sami Kivelä (UNDONE BY BLOOD), in THE HEATHENS, evil meets its match - five of more
AfterShock'sTHE HEATHENS#1is more than just a story. It's a world to get lost in. Bunn, Amodio, Kivela, Wordie and Bowland are doing stunning work. Read Full Review
The Heathens gets off to a strong start here for all the right reasons. The premise is familiar but the execution and trappings put things in a really engaging place. Read Full Review
There is a lot to unpack in the first issue of The Heathens and to be honest, not all of it makes a ton of sense. Read Full Review
We have here the start of a new series that combines two of my favorite things: history and murder mystery. It's almost like someone tried to create a Suicide Squad of infamous figures from actual history. I'm into it!