Superzero #3

Writer: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Rafael de Latorre Publisher: Aftershock Comics Release Date: February 17, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Dru takes the next step towards her search for super powers.  She trains with her new backyard buddy, Wax, and applies what she learns from him both in and out of the classroom. All this happens while Dru's idea for a Gamma Ray bath is in the early stages of development!

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Feb 19, 2016

    Overall, while the tone remains a little inconsistent, the quirky charm of the lead character keeps the pages turning and the lingering sense of ambiguity gives the book an intriguing hook as the story progresses. Could Drus crazy theory actually turn out to be accurate? Are her recurring dreams ofheroismsome sort of premonition or suppressed memory, or merely the vivid delusions of a bored young girl? A couple of months in, nobody could ever accuse Aftershock Comics of playing things safe, and in a sea of bold, dynamic, even ground-breaking titles, Super Zero may end up being the most unconventional of them all, depending on just where Connor and Palmiotti are ultimately going with this one. Either way, its going to be a lot of fun figuring things out, and you can definitely count me in with this series until we find out for sure. Read Full Review

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