Sonic Universe #52

Writer: Ian Flynn Artist: Tracy Yardley Publisher: Archie Comics Release Date: May 15, 2013 Critic Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
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  • 8.5
    AIPT - Mark Pellegrini May 21, 2013

    The action's really gearing up and Flynn is going all out with smooshing the universes together. No, I didn't recognize the Genesis Unit, but that didn't make their fight any less fun. And for those of you equally obsessed with both franchise, then you've nothing to worry about. For the rest of us, there's Mega Man Knowledge Base and Sonic News Network. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin May 21, 2013

    Sonic Universe #52 was another strong chapter in what is quickly become one the best comic book event in years. The work Ian Flynn has done cannot be understated. He has created a crossover event that mixes two different worlds together perfectly. All the characters in this issue are given time to shine whether it is through the great battle sequence or the banter they have amongst their group. If you are looking for a comic book story that will put a smile on your face when reading it this Mega Man and Sonic crossover is for you. And if that is not what you are looking for you should still pick this issue up anyways as it will give a turn that frown, or whatever facial you have at the moment, into a joyous smile. Read Full Review

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