Sonic Universe #51

Writer: Ian Flynn Artist: Jim Amash, amp, Various Publisher: Archie Comics Release Date: April 17, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"When Worlds Collide," Part 2 of 12. The crossover event of 2013 continues here! There are strange things afoot as Mega Man's world is menaced by a super-fast, blue attacker. Sonic's world is being stalked by a blue-armored figure with a cannon for an arm. Could these mysterious villains be Sonic and Mega Man? Or are they some kind of sinister copies? Mistaken identities and explosions galore in this explosive second part to the historic

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Apr 22, 2013

    New robots are created from the combined knowledge of Wily and Eggman so that means double the danger and it will take the combined efforts of Mega Man and Sonic to win the day…if they can ever get on the same page. Read Full Review

  • 7.5

    Unfortunately, the issue is still in the “set up” phase, so it ends before we get to see the two characters throw down. But, as with the first part of the storyline, Flynn manages to make that setup as interesting and fun to read as possible. The Roboticized Masters are a trip and the use of two established franchise villains (Copybot and Metal Sonic) to facilitate the mistaken identity was about as inspired a cliche' as you can get. Read Full Review

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