Lady Mechanika lives in a steampunk world filled with superstitions and creatures. We also meet Mr. Blackpool along with his hunters who are also searching for this "Demon" who wants it for his own use something to do with the "Demon" not being 100% percent organic. As a trailer for the mini series the comic book, does what it is suppose to do. There is enough action in the story we meet the main players, also the comic book leaves a lot of questions that I want to find the answers too. As for Lady Mechanika not only is she a hunter but feisty, can take of herself, handle a gun and has a mind of her own. At $2.50 we get 13 pages of story, a sketchbook and Joe Benitez's notes on Lady Mechanika. Read Full Review
I can see two main selling points to Lady Mechanika. Read Full Review