No Hero #1

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Juan Jose Ryp Publisher: Avatar Press Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
7.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Josh Carver has been recruited into the vigilante superhuman "rescue team" The Front Line by Carrick Masterson. Which means Josh must become a superhuman, by taking Masterson's secret drug FX7. FX7 could drive him irreparably insane. How much does he want to be a superhuman? Would you take it?

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Feb 17, 2010

    Now that its in a single-volume format, I hope that word of mouth can propel No Hero up the sales charts and onto bookstore shelves. It honestly belongs alongside popular modern classics like Sleeper and Wanted, weaving a blockbuster-styled tale while exploring complex ideas about the nature of heroism and villainy. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Jim Oct 6, 2008

    A good start to the story. I am interested where the story goes from here. Ellis and Ryp have my attention for at least another issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew McLean Oct 2, 2008

    The only downside to the book is that at $3.99 it doesn't feel like you're getting much more of a book than the 99 cent zero issue. However, that may speak to the value of the #0 issue rather than anything else. Regardless, Joshua Carver's entrance into the Front Liners should make a good read for anyone looking for a different bend on the super-hero genre. Read Full Review

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