Stemming from the pages of the hit series, The Resistance, The Resistance: Reborns explores the origins of the newly superpowered humans after a global disaster leaves hundreds of millions dead in its wake, causing a few thousand to suddenly manifest superhuman powers. This special collection explores the origins of five characters in this new universe of heroes and villains including The Mad, the Dangerous, The Hidden, The Lost, and The Transcendent. Writer J. Michael Straczynski (Thor, The Amazing Spider-Man) returns to the world of The Resistance, this time joined by artist C.P. Smith (Archangel 8).
"The Resistance: Reborns" #1 rounds out some quick character building with good craft and a tight finished product. Read Full Review
What appears to be an oversized book (but still 3.99) with 5 vignettes featuring origin stories of characters who survived the pandemic that killed millions and left a very few with extraordinary powers.
Straczynski writes with a detached style, and that made the initial miniseries a bit of a slog. Promising concept, just muddled execution. Well this is different as JMS has maybe 8 pages per character to establish the origin and the environment going forward. It's still written at a higher level than your run of the mill Big 2 book, but that makes the book that much more engaging of a read.
The story alone was satisfying enough, but the art was unique and REALLY good. Truthfully, it looks like heavily processed more
The Resistance: Reborns
Issue: 1
Publisher: Artists, Writers & Artisans: AWA Studios @awastudiosofficial & Upshot Studios @upshotstudiosofficial
Writer: J. Michael Stracynski @becomingsupermanjms
Artist: C.P. Smith @cp.smith
Colors: Snakebite Cortez @snakebitecortez
Letters: Andworld Design @andworlddesign
Cover: Rahzzah @rahzzah
While humanity was ravaged by a deadly plague sweeping the globe, certain members of the population found themselves altered by the virus’ infection. A man haunted by his mind becomes the monster he saw inside. A woman finds herself immune to the mental influence of others like her. Fulfilling her overbearing mother’s desires, another young woman finds herself more