Darick Robertson and Adam Egypt Mortimer mix crime with psychedelics and a techno-utopia populated by sociopaths in this unparalleled comic-psychosis that reaches dizzying heights of madness as Butch and Gun come face to face with the superboss who truly runs Repo City State.
Ballistic is easily the best and most polished comic book youre not reading. It magnifies certain aspects of the human condition with such brilliance that it may make you feel uncomfortable. It is ripe with horror, self-reflection, and provides a totally unique take on science fiction while still finding the time to craft compelling characters. Its a breath of fresh air in the all to cluttered science fiction arena that isnt afraid to shock and educate you. Its an invaluable reading experience that I urge you to read. Read Full Review
AAAWWWSOME!! We get a lot of development, history and background info in this issue. The down side is that its comes across as a little disjointed, but comes together in the end. This book is better then almost anything from any other publisher, Shaolin Cowboy being the exception. Great art, intense colors, incredible writing, killer characters and a world that is fleshed out deeper then we will ever know. Make sure to read the back-matter, Egypt is putting in the work! If Black Mask can get all their titles to this level they will the best indy by far. I highly recommend this series!