Kim & Kim: Love is a Battlefield #1
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Kim & Kim: Love is a Battlefield #1

Writer: Magdalene Visaggio Artist: Eva Cabrera Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: July 5, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 2
9.4Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The Fighting Kims finally get the bounty of their lives and Kim D reconnectes with an ex-girlfriend, so of course everything immediately goes catastrophically wrong. This high-flying, rad AF tale of exes and woes is the first in a four-part follow-up to 2016's summer favorite. Awesome!

  • 10
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Jul 10, 2017

    Kim & Kim: Love is a Battlefield is a beautiful book that untangles the complicated, messy lives of two complicated and messy women with heart and considerable skill, and a great way to get your fill of drama and blockbuster action this summer. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Jul 7, 2017

    This comic is the epitome of radness, and there's a bonus essay from Elle Collins in the back about how LGBTQ characters are paired off in fiction and not given as complex interpersonal and romantic relationships with other queer people. That's obviously not the case inKim and Kim: Love is a Battlefield. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Mexi Gremillion Jul 5, 2017

    Kim & Kim Love is a Battlefield is a fantastic comic. You should read the first iteration of the series before diving into this one, but youre probably fine if you dont. The series has intriguing characters and a strange yet mind-blowing omniverse. Plus, theres an essay called Queer Universe by Ellie Collins at the end of this issue thats definitely worth the read. Go check Kim & Kim Love is a Battlefield out if you have the time! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Bleeding Cool - Ell Falcetti Jul 8, 2017

    Well, this one involves a shady character from Kim's past who comes back and messes with the rather tenuous present of the Kims. Old broken trusts are mended and broken again, and your heart will go on a rollercoaster of Planet Clubland excitement. Surely that's enough to get you to buy it already, right? It's going to have to be. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    All-Comic - Jessica Petrecz Jul 24, 2017

    This book is a good comic, with or without the queer representation, and it absolutely delivers. The story is solid, a full non-stop action ride that takes us from an all out brawl to a rave and then back to more brawling. Sprinkled in-between this we get some serious character development from the Kims that will make you fall even more in love with the two. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Jul 6, 2017

    Kim & Kim: Love is a Battlefield #1 is a spectacular kick off issue that brings back awesome characters in a fun, gripping way. Using love as an underline catalyst for things that occur throughout the issue was superb alongside all the main plot of the Kims getting targeted after they capture a big bounty. The art is exquisite as the clean line work and vivid colors with capture readers. The letters of Saam work well to bring readers eyes to the words comfortably and hints at the playful, adventurous nature of our main characters and the book itself. And Visaggio's writing is brilliant, intelligent and engaging. This first issue can stand on its own, without having to have read the previous miniseries. Yet, you are rewarded for reading the previous series in seeing the development of the Kims since then. Overall, a really fun book and great set up for the ride to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - John Schaidler Jul 7, 2017

    After the stellar debut of its limited series run, expectations for the new "Kim and Kim" were off the charts. With visually reimagined characters and a jaw-dropping color palette, Mags Visaggio and Eva Cabrera's iconic characters embark on an inward journey that unexpectedly raises the bar. Read Full Review

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