Extermination #4

Writer: Simon Spurrier Artist: Jeffrey Edwards Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: September 19, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
7.1Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Red Reaper’s and Nox’s partnership has never been on shakier ground. At each other’s throats, will the duo survive the dangerous trek down to New Orleans where a supposed “coalition of capes” has assembled? Or have they been sent on a wild goose chase through EDDA territory by the ramblings of a (deceased) madman? Don’t forget to ask your local retailer about the rare CGC 9.8 near mint variant by John Cassaday!

  • 8.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Sep 21, 2012

    What started as a neat concept - what if a superhero and his archenemy were alone in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and had to work together to survive scary monsters - has become a more detailed subversion of the entire superhero genre, while seeming to celebrate some of the more ludicrous conventions at the same time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Sep 19, 2012

    This is issue solidified this series as my favorite ongoing from Boom. There is just something interesting about the characters and the setting that makes me look forward to the series each month. My only grip is that the art needs to improve or take a month off to catch up when the trade paperback is released. If you’ve missed out on this series then you should check it out for sure, but definitely start at the beginning. If you’re curious as to what Spurriers writing style is like because you’re interested in his upcoming “Big Two” work, then this would definitely be the title to give you a taste as well. Just don't expect anything else to come close to the quality of Extermination. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Sep 18, 2012

    Extermination is definitely a book to be checking out. It is the type of series that BOOM! handles very well- do not let my grade for this issue fool you, I really enjoy reading Extermination. In my opinion this issue slowed the story down too much after what had been three very good instalments. If you need any extra incentive to try out this series: somebody gets peed on. I shit you not. This series is NOT recommended for young readers. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Geekality - Joe Sarnicola Sep 24, 2012

    Issue 1 sold out before publication, and a second printing had to be ordered, so the expectations for this book are high. If the right amount of time is taken to develop the plots, conflicts and characters and the art styles complement each other better, this could be a fun book to read. Read Full Review

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