Lucas and Harmony may be reunited, but things are acutely strained between them, as Harmony interferes in a way Lucas can't tolerate.
In the midst of a growing apocalyptic panic among the populace, Lucas and Harmony are far from alone as they encounter yet another group of living people that aren't quite what they seem...
Leomacs delivers some beautifully dramatic art throughout the issue. The art of the main story captures the gritty darkness of every moment and the side story visuals are a wonderful contrast. Read Full Review
For all of the building this story and this series has been doing for a face off between Harmony and her father with Shane, while issue #10 addresses some of the issues between Harmony and her father and adds an additional layer to that coming confrontation, there's actually very little in this issue and it moves very quickly this feels like it could have been more of a part of an issue rather than a full issue. Read Full Review
This issue was the usual for the series. It was fine. Not much more.