A Russian candy wrapper and a two-dollar bill send Goldie on a search for a missing guest.
Overall, the second issue is just as solid as the first. With any luck, the series will be extended, because Goldie is a character youll want to read about for a long time. Read Full Review
"Goldie Vance" #2 is another enjoyable issue in a winsome, wonderful miniseries. I hope it finds the audience it deserves. Read Full Review
It's worth noting that another reason I think this series is so good for kids is because of the ethnic diversity. In this issue Goldie is revealed to be biracial, her father being African-American and her mother being white. The issue also touches on the fact that Goldie's parents are divorced. I think these are themes that are handled well in this book. It's more about visibility than it is teaching some moral lesson. This is the reality that a lot of kids have. If you're introducing children to comics or even if you're new to them this series provides high quality writing that any age can enjoy. Read Full Review
But at least the issue doesn't leave us hanging on that particular downer. Instead we get a glimpse at Goldie's past relationship with Sugar Marple, who is presumably the hotel owner's daughter. They were best friends growing up until Goldie beat her in a kart race. Goldie's mother tells her there may still be hope for them to reconcile but Goldie doesn't think so. And when we see a grown up Sugar back in town it looks like she's in it for some vengeance! Read Full Review