A young woman journeys deeper into the mysterious Labyrinth and faces trials the likes of which she could never have imagined. Still, she is determined that nothing will stop her from saving her son!
Jim Henson's Labyrinth: Coronation #3 continues to be an amazing addition to that world. It answers some questions from the previous issues while raising new questions and revealing new characters to be fleshed out in the issues to follow. Read Full Review
Not as strong as the previous issues, with the story bogging down too long with one companion. The visuals are also lesser, with the backgrounds disappearing, leaving the title location absent. Still, I'm enjoying enough of this to continue reading. I'm just hoping that things improve in the next installment. Read Full Review
This is a humorous and tense adventure tale with secrets bubbling under the surface. Captivating characters inhabit an outlandish world all illustrated with flair and finesse. Read Full Review
Progressing well with a focus on the main characters instead of using the movie as a crutch. Read Full Review
I could do less with "filler" content and more meaty substance in my Labyrinth comics. Read Full Review