Lantern City #3

Writer: Matthew Daley, Mairghread Scott Artist: Carlos Magno Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: July 8, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.3Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

As Sander becomes increasingly worried he is going to be found out as an undercover agent, he's assigned to lead a mission into the infamous and dangerous prison known as the Spiral, where a deadly riot breaks out.

  • 8.6
    BGCP - Liam Pollock Jul 8, 2015

    An excting instalment witha few twist and turns, has a lot of world building and finally seems to have a direction as to where it is going. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Russell Troxel Jul 8, 2015

    Lantern City is telling an interesting story, even if it's not entirely new. The city itself is full of mysteries, like who are the gods Wareis and Uryston, who is Brother Pont (and why has his gang proved to be so much trouble for The Guard), and are the walls of Lantern City actually keeping out monsters and destruction? The need for answers to these questionsis whatkeeps readersinterested in this series more so than the characters. Read Full Review

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