Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #106

Writer: Melissa Flores Artist: Simona Di Gianfelice Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: March 22, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
8.6Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

The Power Rangers and Omega Rangers join forces in an epic struggle against a friend-turned-foe!

Mistress Vile's diabolical scheme also comes to a head as she possesses an object of immeasurable power-and a sidekick with darker origins than the Rangers thought possible!

  • 10
    ComicsOnline - Matt Sernaker Mar 22, 2023

    Well, it's official. Melissa Flores has earned the title of "Empress of Evil, because the cliffhanger ending of MMPR #106 is mind-blowing. I can't remember the last time I was this excited about a comic release, but I will resist the temptation to spoil a moment that made me cheer. I genuinely can't wait to see how the Ranger Nation reacts to this choice, because I think it is engaging and innovative. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Mar 22, 2023

    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 is a spectacular comic book. Melissa Flores and Simona Di Gianfelice continue to find new ways to create even greater excitement for the future of this series. The way things end with where the Power Rangers and Lord Zedd are at make you want to read the next issue right away. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    COMICON - Scott Redmond Mar 29, 2023

    ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' #106 continues this runs awesome ability to give us deep character moments surrounded by flashy action wrapped around a deep love for the characters and the world. Everything about this comic is a perfectly natural evolution of what the TV series gave us, while also going far deeper and wider than the show ever could. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Aguilar Mar 22, 2023

    The evolving relationship between Zordon and the Rangers is always one of the book's more fascinating points, and that continues to be the case here, made all the better by Grace and Zordon's more vulnerable conversations. Things are starting to heat up, and the series should only get better from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 25, 2023

    Lots of conversations, some good, some expository, as the overall story moves along nicely. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Mar 24, 2023

    Tommy and Jason have a great moment, we learn how Zedd and Rita met, and Trini really comes into her own as a leader, all against the backdrop of the newest threat to reality. A well-done issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0

    It's amazing how this series seems to know what the old series needed to be great. This story is the comeback Rita should have made, rather than that ridiculous marriage plot that more or less killed the original show.
    I liked the flashback showing how Zedd was impressed by her ability and offered her a position in his empire, pointing out that she needed to move out of her father's shadow. The most interesting part though is how the issue ends. So spoiler alert if you haven't read it yet.
    Zedd using his dark Ranger tech to turn himself into a new Dark ranger was totally unexpected. I'm guessing he'll be joining forces with Drakkon soon. This should be interesting. From what I've researched we never got to really see Dark Specter more

  • 10
    polo08p May 11, 2023

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