Rocko's Modern Life #6

Writer: Ryan Ferrier, David Degrand Artist: Ian McGinty, David Degrand Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: July 4, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Rocko, with the help of Heffer and Filburt, is losing his mind. As they struggle to come up with Spunky's random money, Rocko comes up with a desperate plan-rob a bank.

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Hunter T. Patrick Jul 4, 2018

    This issue does not need any background reading before. Jumping into the story it quickly becomes apparent what came before. If a big Rocko fan or wanting to try to seem hip with friends like a true 90s kid, then go get this book. Make yourself happy and make BOOM! Studios happy (plus comic shops). As stated in some reviews for other books, this is not a book just to buy this issue, maybe instead read it somewhere else, legally, or buy the trade when it comes out. It is great this book is being made but not great enough for this book to be a hit. Go and buy the trade. It is great for Rocko readers, just not for the everyday comic readers to go out of their way for. Read Full Review

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