Steven Universe #1
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Steven Universe #1

Writer: Jeremy Sorese Artist: Coleman Engle Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: August 6, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7
5.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

WHY WE LOVE IT: STEVEN UNIVERSE™ is a show that captured our hearts almost  immediately. We've been fans of Rebecca Sugar's from her work on ADVENTURE TIME for years and as the first lady to run her own show at Cartoon Network, we couldn't wait to collaborate with her!
WHY YOU'LL LOVE IT: A comic about a boy and his friends living in a small beach community, who just happens to have magical powers and fight monsters on the side?! Fans of ADVENTURE TIME and Sailor Moon are gonna dig this series presented in a zine-like format of mini-comics, recipes, games, and more!
WHAT IT'S ABOUT: Steven really wants to enter the annual Beach more

  • 8.0
    Nerdophiles - Ashley Leckwold Aug 21, 2014

    If you're a fan of Steven Universe, definitely check out the comic from Boom! Studios. It's a quick and fun read with gorgeous art. You might want to wait until trade though because the comic felt like it went by way too fast, but I hope the trade will keep all the extra stories in the back! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Florida Geek Scene - Raisa Aug 19, 2014

    I believe the Steven Universe comic book has the potential to be a successful spin-off of the show. The comic book industry is extremely important in pop culture these days. If done properly, it could bring in new viewers and even become popular with the current viewers of the show. It just needs to appeal to new readers more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Aug 10, 2014

    The Bottom Line:It's a good offer for an all-ages comic featuring a fun property. It embraces the zaniness of Steven's, ahem, universe, especially in the experimental nature of the art. However, that same tone leads into some pretty significant artistic errors that disrupt the reading experience from being truly memorable. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Capeless Crusader - Lindsey Bass Aug 6, 2014

    As #1′s go, this book was lacking some context for me. The parts I enjoyed most were the mini stories at the end. They had a clear and concise storyline that made me want to read more. As for the main part of Steven Universe, it's not really for me. I will read the next issue to give it another chance, but in the long run it won't be a book I continue to follow. If you're a fan of the show I would recommend the comic to you. Those that watch the show may have a better understanding of what's going on in the book, or at least know the back story of the characters. I think Sorese should have written this book in a way that would engage readers that have never watched the show and in some cases have never heard of the show. In a world where most people have internet and cable access, this is still a possibility. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    All-Comic - Dan Pennacchia Aug 7, 2014

    Steven Universe has been a very popular and entertaining show for Cartoon Network. In its opening chapter, its adaptation to comics has not found a way to capture that. With other problems that impact the readability of the issue, the debut issue has some serious troubles. Hopefully the book can right itself and find a way to simplify its storytelling such that readers are better able to follow and enjoy it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Nick Philpott Aug 6, 2014

    I love that KaBoom! is bringing these Cartoon Network shows to comics, because it provides a direct line from television to tie-in comic to the whole wide magical world of other comics. It's been to their credit that Regular Show and Adventure Time have extremely talented creative teams who make the comics stand on their own two legs and work independently. With Steven Universe, it feels like it's still glomming on to the show and worrying more about psyching you up for a different title coming soon than the one you have in your hands. Steven Universe has an undeniable charm to it, but it felt like it was being wasted this month on cheap promotion and a quick comic to get onto the shelves. Fingers crossed for a better issue next month. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Aug 8, 2014

    In many ways, "Steven Universe" #1 felt like a preview for the series to come rather than an issue in its own right. Each of the stories presented has its strengths, and I smiled at a number of the panels, but when a comic is based off a well-established and well-imagined series like "Steven Universe," I'd like a little more. Read Full Review

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