With the Nightmare Crew's true plan revealed, Leo Winters must test the very limits of his burgeoning power to stop them -but will using his powers play right into their hands? Or, cause an even bigger tragedy than the one Leo's putting so much at risk trying to stop?
My biggest issue with SUICIDE RISK is that it doesn't come out enough–it feels as though once a month is not enough. After seven issues, I'm easily invested in the story of Leo Winters (and wherever it may go) thanks to the combination of Mike Carey and Elena Casagrande. This is a great, character-driven superhero story that feels like so much more. If you're not reading SUICIDE RISK, you're missing out, so get on it! Read Full Review
Overall, I'm pretty interested to see where this title goes in the end, but I guess I'm currently not overly enthused with the way it's taking to get there. Saying that, I am divested enough to follow along and to stick with it, mostly because I still think it has (and deserves) a chance to impress, with a premise which has, at very least, continues to pique my curiosity. Read Full Review