Dinosaurs, spaceships, and adventure -OH MY! With the Federation hot on their tails, how long can our favorite crew hold onto the source of the greatest power of all time: THE MIDAS TOUCH?
All in all "The Midas Flesh" is the kind of book I wish there were more of on the stands. It's smart and funny, it's aware of itself, but not at the expense of a good story, or characters that feel real and relatable. It's well plotted and engaging, and perhaps most challenging of all, it straddles that very difficult -- and far too rare -- place of being suitable and enjoyable for almost any age reader. Read Full Review
One can only assume the creators are having as much fun crafting this series as we readers are reading it. You can feel their hearts go into every page trying to deliver a series that they hope means as much to us as it does to them. Fun is the best word to use to try to describe The Midas Flesh. Although it may seem like a copout word to use, it's hard to describe The Midas Flesh without expressing how much fun it is. Read Full Review
I have liked The Midas Flesh, but not really falling fully on board with the first two issues. Something had been missing for me. That something it would seem was Issue #3. It is beginning to show the method behind the mayhem and things are beginning to become clearer. I am fully on board now and am ready to see these kids become adults as the struggle against the Federation. Read Full Review
This is high-concept sci-fi presented in a rigid capsule of comedy, with all of these elements being eclipsed at the moment by the brass-tacks demands of the plot. If “The Midas Flesh” feels like it's getting where it's going, it's because it's buoyed by the promise of the central concept and the friendly appeal of the art. And so, while this isn't its most entertaining moment, all signs indicate that the best " and funniest " is yet to come. Read Full Review
While the dialogue is zippy and humourous, the story itself isnt. There is a lot of incident in this issue but despite that theres not much forward progression. It feels like this series is on the cusp of going into strange new areas, but this issue feels like a lot of set-up for things to come. Read Full Review