Cover A: John Keogh
Oh, no! The Federation is here to take away the secret weapon that our crew has worked so hard to acquire. But can they get a hold of it without someone suffering the fate of The Midas Touch?!
The Midas Flesh #4 does not disappoint, offering readers the great story and captivating art weve come to expect. With its diverse cast, intelligent writing, and stunning art, this series is not one to miss. If youre not reading The Midas Flesh, youre missing out. The Midas Flesh #4 gets 5/5 stars from me. Read Full Review
The Midas Flesh has been honestly an outstanding series so far. Each issue reads so smoothly and even though its a months wait between issues; the story still flows remarkably well from issue to issue. This series is now half finished but so much happened in the first four issues, who knows whatll happen in the last four. We will have to keep reading and wait to see but so far its pretty obvious that The Midas Flesh has been successful at delivering an original and entertaining story. Read Full Review
I am still not completely sold on The Midas Flesh. But with each passing issue, I am getting a little bit closer to liking it. We are now halfway through. My attention is peaked. Let's see if things can be delivered. Read Full Review