As government forces close in on Akai, Dr. Baker, and the Monster, the Director unleashes a new player in the race to help capture the Frankenstein family.
Only one issue away from the thrilling conclusion of this series, it's been a surreal ride. It's nice to see a powerful message coupled with a fantastical story and eye-catching artwork, Destroyer #5 once again delivers on all accounts. A notable topic that popped up before and mentioned again by Josephine, is the speculation that one day AI will rule where man once did, a common trope but one that seems to become a reality as technology advances. An interesting point of view seeing as how she fought to bring her son back though accepts that the life of man is short and doomed. This is only one of many topics to ruminate on while readers wait for the finale. Read Full Review
As always, Dietrich Smith gives us gorgeous and detailed scenery with futuristic inventions that really don't seem that far out of reach, coupled with Joana Lafuente's colors that shift between a beautiful past and a bleak present day, even if you aren't a fan of this genre, you can still appreciate the art for sure. Read Full Review