I'm giving Wall-E #0 4.5 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review
As with many of the other Pixar adaptations, your enjoyment of this book will probably depend largely on how much you enjoyed the original movie. If youre a fan of the original Wall-E (as I am), then youll probably enjoy his antics here. However, if youre not already a Wall-E lover, you might find this book to be a little light and a little too thin in terms of story to really hold your interest, despite the great artwork. Read Full Review
Luthi's artwork is detailed, yet expressive, and it keeps "WALL-E" from feeling too robotic. There are some transitions that seem to jump a little farther than I expected on first read, but for the most part, Luthi manages to keep WALL-E distinct from his seemingly identical counterparts. My nine-year-old and I were a little foggy on the action in the last panel, but seeing as this story is continued in the next issue, we've both started counting down the days. Read Full Review