Stacy Baugher's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Major Spoilers Reviews: 264
7.6Avg. Review Rating

28 Days Later #3

Oct 14, 2009

Overall, this series has a raw element to it that captured the nature of the original movie beautifully. Having only recently started reading the horror/zombie genre, I was pleased with this issue. The cliffhanger at the end, a real, "Oh $h!t!" moment has me looking forward to the next installment. I'm going with 4 out of 5 stars here, I'm glad I took the time to discover it.

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Action Comics (2016) #1014

Aug 28, 2019

Big moves by the head of the Invisible Mafia and a great last minute appearance make this a good issue for you pull list. Not great, but good.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #1

Aug 1, 2018

It's a fun, bright, well-produced book that will entertain you. The story already looks to be taking off so tighten your seatbelts!

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American Carnage #1

Nov 22, 2018

AMERICAN CARNAGE #1 is for mature readers. As such, it addresses themes and ideas that may be unsettling. That said there is a potential for a great dramatic tale to be told.

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Anchor #2

Nov 11, 2009

I like this title. It's not quite my usual fare, and that may be part of the reason it works well for me. I want to see what happens in the next issue and I can't wait to find out more about The Anchor. Another winner from Boom! Studios, and it gets 4 out of 5 stars.

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Anchor #3

Dec 15, 2009

Again, I am really pleased with this book, as it has introduced me to a genre that I had not really delved into before. If I had to pick a real issue with it, I would have to say that some of the art was a little bit looser this time around than in the second issue. But I still enjoyed it and had a wonderful time reading it. 4 out of 5 stars.

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Aquaman (2016) #37

Jun 20, 2018

This is a take on Aquaman we have seen hinted at, but never fully embraced. I hope this tale is setting the path for future stories.

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Aquaman (2016) #44

Jan 25, 2019

I am so glad Aquaman has finally found a unique voice in his latest run of writers. As a character, he has seemed to occasionally miss his potential, but wonderful writers like DeConnick seem willing to go beyond what has been done before and forge a new narrative path. This storyline, with her exploration of the aquatic gods and legends, is one of the most satisfying Aquaman tales I have read. I strongly recommend it.

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Aquaman (2016) #50

Jul 17, 2019

There looks to be plenty of action and drama coming in on the tides with this latest story line. Hop in while you can.

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Archie (2015) #707

Sep 3, 2019

Even as you watch young love blossom, you can't help but be fearful for what is inevitably coming. The ride, however, is more than worth it.

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Archie Meets Batman '66 #1

Jul 18, 2018

A great beginning to what looks to be a rollicking crossover of two iconic properties, you will surely want to tune in for more.

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Archie: 1955 #1

Sep 16, 2019

Archie 1955 #1 is a powerhouse blasting the reader with 1000 watts of rock'n'roll nostalgia!

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At the End of Your Tether #1

Jun 25, 2019

A great beginning to a mysterious coming of age story. Make sure you check it out.

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Athena #2

Nov 5, 2009

Overall, I have enjoyed the series thus far. The concept is familiar and has been used for characters from Thor to Captain Marvel, but the surrounding story gives it a fresh feeling. If only another female, Greek inspired super heroine got this type of introduction. But, as I said, it is not without flaws. Those flaws are not enough to sink the ship, but they do give a slow leak to a title that could be top of the line, until then it is just a good book. I'm going with 3 out of 5 stars. I hope that the creative team can really tap into the potential that this book seems to hold.

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Athena #4

Jan 6, 2010

Again, this is a good ending to a good series. There are some really interesting concepts and overall, even with the holes, this is a good story. I still would love to see a zero issue, maybe told from the partners view prior to the events at the mansion. But still, a good solid read that will keep you entertained. I'm going with 3 out of 5 stars.

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Barbarella (2017): Holiday Special #1

Dec 7, 2018

I believe that fans of Barbarella or of the European style of sequential storytelling will enjoy the BARBARELLA HOLIDAY SPECIAL. It is true to the tradition and history of the character, and has some satisfying beats in it. If you are looking for a holiday special in the traditional mode" well, let me ask, do you consider Diehard a Christmas movie? If so, this is the holiday special for you. If not, then this is more of a Red Skies issue.The BARBARELLA HOLIDAY SPECIAL has some great ideas, but the execution may fall short for some readers.

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Batgirl (2016) #26

Aug 29, 2018

BATGIRL #26 is an amazing issue from a wonderful writer who bears watching. If this first chapter is any indication, I'm all for this creative team sticking around for a while. It is a great place for new readers to start and old readers to return. I highly recommend it.

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Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #1

May 10, 2019

A good story, diverse cast of characters, and enough sub-plot possibilities to wreck a Levitz Paradigm. Go pick up a copy today.

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Batman: Damned #1

Sep 19, 2018

This is a tale for adults, to be told when the lights are off and the darkness bleeds into your imagination. Highly recommended.

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Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #1

Oct 31, 2018

BATMAN SECRET FILES #1 may not give away any real secrets, but it provides a series of solid stories and introduces readers to creators they will not have normally had a chance to experience.

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Batman: Universe #1

Jul 10, 2019

Save your 100 page issues, pick this one up and pass it around to friends, this is a great beginning to a great Batman story.

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Battlepug #2

Oct 11, 2019

If you have not adopted BATTLEPUG #2 to your pull list yet, this issue will convince you to.

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Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men #1

Aug 21, 2018

Fun without being silly, it deserves every bit of the hype.

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Berserker Unbound #1

Aug 8, 2019

A sword and sorcery book that looks to draw in a new sort of audience.

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Bettie Page: Halloween Special #1

Oct 24, 2018

More Halloween goodness that winds up being a real "page" turner.

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Bettie Page (2018) #1

Nov 23, 2018

Bettie Page #1 is a great book that should not be ignored because of its cheesecake covers. Crack open a copy and find out for yourself.

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Bettie Page: Unbound #1

Jun 6, 2019

Pick it up and flip through the excellent pages of a great story and art combination.

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Bettie Page: Unbound #4

Sep 23, 2019

Bettie Page: Unbound #4 is a rollicking good time that will entertain you in a very basic and enjoyable way.

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Bettie Page: Unbound #6

Nov 28, 2019

A title that never fails to entertain, this new storyline looks to be a dozy!

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Bettie Page: Unbound #8

Dec 23, 2019

Bettie continues her desperate search to find allies the fight with her against this alien invasion. Pick it up and see whom she attempts to recruit.

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Betty and Veronica: Vixens #9

Aug 23, 2018

A great tale you want to check out, the Vixens ride pillion for no one.

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Black Hammer '45 #1

Mar 7, 2019

For fans of the Black Hammer titles, this is a treat. If you don't know those stories, don't let that stop you from picking it up.

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Black Hammer '45 #2

Apr 4, 2019

SUSPENSEFUL AND EXCITING! More than worth the pull list addition.

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Black Hammer '45 #3

May 2, 2019

Action packed, dramatic and just a hair nostalgic, Black Hammer '45 #3 should be on your pull list now.

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Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #1

Sep 22, 2019

Black Panther And The Agents of Wakanda #1 is a great example of what can be done when you break the box down and build something new.

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Black Terror #5

Nov 10, 2009

I skipped out on the series when it was still just a mini. I saw Black Terror in Project: Superpowers and was not overtly impressed with his characterization. It was just another powerful, angry guy in a dark suit with a skull, and other than one or two moments, I just was not grabbed by him. He almost seemed to be a one trick pony. With this "first" issue of the ongoing series has changed my opinion. A big complaint about the Project: Superpowers Universe is that there are too many background characters running around and doing nothing; that problem is solved with this issue. Phil Hester focuses on Black Terror and his new mission, and gives the character unsuspecting depth that escaped him when he was part of a larger ensemble. I am going with 4.5 out of 5 stars. Now that we have seen what can be done with the right writer, this series might just set a new standard for the PS Universe.

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Black Terror (2019) #1

Oct 1, 2019

BLACK TERROR #1 presents a look at a different kind of addictions while looking to hook the reader on the tale.

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Blade Runner: 2019 #2

Aug 20, 2019

Great plotting, strong art, and an excellent voice all contribute to a great issue.

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Bloodshot: Rising Spirit #1

Nov 15, 2018

BLOODSHOT: RISING SPIRIT #1 is an action-packed issue that looks like it will be messing with reader's assumptions regarding the character. A great creative team looks to be ready to deliver.

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Blossoms 666 #1

Jan 23, 2019

BLOSSOMS 666 is destined to be on your pull list, you just don't know it yet.

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Bone Parish #1

Jul 24, 2018

A great story with multiple twists, Bone Parish taps into the crime drama in a way few have done before. I highly recommend it if you are looking for your next addiction.

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Catalyst Prime: Noble #11

Sep 4, 2018

Noble #11 is the sort of book which people have been clamoring for. If you aren't already getting them added to your pull list, do it now. It is a solid book that delivers.

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Cellies #5

Oct 9, 2018

A fun book with just enough drama to make you start to care about the characters. It will be an under the radar hit.

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Conan The Barbarian (2019) #1

Jan 8, 2019

With this first issue, or if you go with the Legacy numbering (which I love), #276, Conan's feet have been firmly placed on the battlefield of Marvel, and I say it is about time. CONAN THE BARBARIAN #1 may herald the beginning of one of the most interesting series of stories for the character in years, and I for one will heed its call.

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Conspiracy (2018): Denver Airport #3

Feb 19, 2019

CONSPIRACY #3 makes for great mind candy, and gives you a feeling that maybe these aren't just theories after all.

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Cosmo, The Mighty Martian #1

Nov 16, 2019

Entertaining, fun and well produced, COSMO THE MIGHTY MARTIAN needs to be added to your pull list, regardless of your age.

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Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #1

Oct 21, 2019

Count Crowley Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #1 is a book I strongly recommend you pick up and bury yourself in.

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Crone #1

Nov 1, 2019

Wonderfully powerful art with a beautiful sense of emotion combined with a story that draws you in.

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Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1

Oct 10, 2018

Wonderful book with creators from not only comics but film delivering imaginative stories that will delight as much as chill. Go dig you up a copy now.

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Damage (2018) Annual #1

Aug 27, 2018

DAMAGE ANNUAL #1 connects the dots on some unknown aspects of the career of Damage, and adds to the overall mythology of the story. It is a must-have for fans of the title, and a great jumping on point for new readers.

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Daredevil (1998) #501

Oct 10, 2009

So, what it all comes down to is was the book good. Take away all the fancy-smancy talk and lay it down on the line: would I buy this book again. I've got to say I will. I was rather surprised that I found myself caring about these characters as much as I did despite not having any connection with them. Diggle and team hit a strong chord with the open chapter of The Devil's Hand, Part One. I really want to see what happens next. I'm going 4.5 out of 5. This is about as good as it gets, and a great refinement of the character.

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DC's Nuclear Winter Special #1

Nov 28, 2018

DC NUCLEAR WINTER SPECIAL #1 is a surprising holiday title that you wouldn't think was a holiday title at first. It sneaks the holidays in, but warms the heart nevertheless.

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Death Orb #1

Sep 17, 2018

Another entry in the apocalyptic tomorrow genre, with just enough sparkle to keep the interest of the reader. Go ahead and pre-order, it will be interesting to see how this one unfolds.

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Deathstroke (2016) #36

Oct 3, 2018

A great jumping on point for new readers with enough backstory to fill them in but little enough to keep it moving. Check it out.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1008

Jul 24, 2019

DETECTIVE COMICS #1008 may essentially be a filler to prepare for the upcoming "TAKE YOUR SHOT" storyline, but it has the satisfaction of reading like one of the classics. No baggage, just two archenemies in a clash to see who can outsmart the other.

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Die #1

Dec 8, 2018

DIE #1 may look as if it is nothing more than lip service role-playing games, but read it, it is much more. There is a story that goes beyond the standard idea of being whisked away to a magical fantasy world.

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Disney Afternoon Giant #1

Nov 10, 2018

DISNEY AFTERNOON GIANT is a great book for all ages, but the absence of any new tales is a little bothersome. But, for those of us who did not catch them the first time, it is a great read!

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Dragonsblood #1

May 3, 2019

Action pack with heart, Dragonsblood #1 is a title that should find its way into your comic horde.

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Dredd: Final Judgement #1

Sep 24, 2018

A long sought after confrontation is coming, and either way, death may win.

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Ducktales #9

Jun 16, 2018

It's a fun book that gives viewers of the show something to grab on to, and fans of the various characters' great new stories.

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Dungeons & Dragons: A Darkened Wish #1

Mar 21, 2019

Good solid fantasy that should scratch that itch for a lot of people. I'm just not sure it is good Dungeons and Dragons.

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Eden #1

Jul 23, 2018

A story set in the far-flung future, focusing on a woman's mission to find her son against a backdrop of secret agendas. The price point makes it a safe buy, and I think you will find this title has a lot to offer. Pick Eden up today.

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Elvira: The Shape of Elvira #1

Jan 31, 2019

THE SHAPE OF ELVIRA continues writer Dave Avallone's witty and self-effacing style of writing filled with great one-liners and bizarre plots. Unfortunately, uneven artwork leaves this issue for the diehard fans of the Mistress of the Dark.

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Encounter #3

May 18, 2018

It's a fun book that you could give to even the youngest reader and know they will enjoy it.

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Faith: Dreamside #1

Sep 25, 2018

It looks like our hero is going to be putting others before herself once again and that works out great for the reader. Add it to your pull list.

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Fall of Cthulhu #11

Apr 25, 2008

I give FALL OF CTHULHU #11 a solid 3 out of 5 stars. I thought that it was a good start to what should shape-up to be an entertaining story. Pick it up if you are a Lovecraft fan or are looking for a break from the superhero scene.

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Fantastic Four (2018) #5

Jan 1, 2019

To risk repeating many others, FANTASTIC FOUR #5 is a fantastic look at the First Family of Marvel, and hints at bold adventures yet to come.

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Finding Nemo: Reef Rescue #3

Sep 11, 2009

Overall, issue three of Finding Nemo: Reef Rescue was enjoyable. It is a book that I will love sharing with my daughter and it kept me entertained as well. There are some small hiccups in the story telling flow, but children probably would not really notice at all. Lots of people may simply overlook this and other "kid oriented" titles as fluff, but they really can be the key to interesting children in comics as a medium. Read it with a kid you love.

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Firestar #1

Apr 27, 2010

Overall, this was a great read. You get a review of where Angelica has been and a glimpse at where she is going. There is angst and emotion throughout, but it never seems over dramatic. It has a quiet dignity about it, even in the most shocking panels. Also, there is a small blurb at the back of the book, it seems that Firestar will once again grace the pages of a team book when the new Young Allies title starts in June! Overall, this is a great book with very little to complain about. Not exactly a lot of action, but sometimes it nice just to cuddle. 4 out of 5 Stars.

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Flash (1987) #239

Apr 21, 2008

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Flash (2016) #61

Jan 2, 2019

THE FLASH #61 is a fast issue that gets the job done and ultimately leaves you waiting for the next installment.

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Freak Angels #1

Jul 24, 2009

I give FreakAngels 4 out of 5 stars.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #1

Dec 19, 2018

FREEDOM FIGHTERS #1 moves toward its historical roots in this intriguing alternate history story. I look forward to discovering more of its present.

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Girl Comics #1

Mar 10, 2010

Marvel has several titles coming up that could be considered "girl-centric", including some by creators featured in this book. I can find nothing to complain, and I felt that the $4.99 I paid was well worth the price of admission. Yes, they say anthologies don't sell well, and yes, the title could be something of a put off for some, but don't judge a book by its cover, unless it has an awesome cover by Amanda Conner and Laura Martin, as this book does!

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God of War (2018) #1

Nov 13, 2018

GOD OF WAR #1 opens up the world of Kratos to potential readers who do not have a vested interest in the character, and proposes a story which may draw them in. It's a little early to tell, but so far it is shaping up to be an exciting tale.

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Going to the Chapel #1

Sep 2, 2019

The tension is oozing from the page even as you start trying to figure out the lines of attack. Go find you a copy and enjoy.

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Gotham City Monsters #1

Sep 11, 2019

Gotham City Monsters rises above the status of sales grab to be a solid and engaging issue.

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Gotham City Sirens #10

Apr 7, 2010

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Eddie as a shamus. I think that it works well and makes sense for the development of the character. At the same time the whole concept of the Sirens is pushed right up to the point of disbelief with this issue when Commissioner Gordon not only does not arrest the lot of them, but lets them go just because he didn't want a fight? I can see Eddie reformed; he has spent quite a bit of time in Arkham. But the multiple murders and "eco-terrorism" acts that Poison Ivey has committed, and the numerous accessories to murder charges (among others) that MUST be out there for Harley after her time with Mr. J, not to mention Catwoman's known status as an international thief (has she ever served any time?) stretches the point and shows the blaring elephant in the room: eventually, one, if not all, of these characters will go back to crime. Sadly, I look forward to that more than anything. Can we take bets on how long after Bruce Wayne/Batman returns that this series last

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Green Arrow (2016) #46

Nov 7, 2018

It's a great story and a wonderful direction for the hero.

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Green Lanterns #57

Oct 18, 2018

Pick up this issue to find out the outcome of the fight, and what the status quo will be in the future. Good fun for all.

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Grendel: Devil's Odyssey (2019) #1

Oct 2, 2019

GRENDEL: DEVIL'S ODYSSEY #1 is a title which deserves to find its way into your pull file, make sure you hunt down a copy.

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Grimm Tales Of Terror #6

Sep 3, 2018

Great horror. Grim and disturbing, it should be on every fan of the genres pull list.

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Grimm Universe: 2019 #1

Feb 1, 2019

The Grimm Universe Presents 2019 is a solid anthology of stories which serves as a primer on the Grimm Universe and to update those who may have missed out on a few years of titles as to the current situations. It's entertaining, and worth a look if you want to check out some action-packed comics that are a step away from the normal capes and cowls. GRIMM UNIVERSE PRESENTS 2019 is a good, solid issue which I think contains something for everyone.

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Gunning For Hits #1

Jan 11, 2019

To some the music of the Eighties is energy and joy, others rebellion and power. To promoter Martin Mills it is the almighty dollar and how much he can make. His latest discovery may be the next big thing, but can Mills survive the negotiations? Gunning For Hits #1 from Image Comics is on store shelves now!

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H.G. Wells' The Island of Dr. Moreau #1

Aug 6, 2019

THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU is a visually wonderful adaptation of the classic story. Make sure it gets on your summer pull list.

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Halo: Collateral Damage #1

Jun 5, 2018

The beginning of a solid sci-fi war story set in the Halo Universe, I want to see how it turns out.

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Halo: Collateral Damage #2

Jul 3, 2018

Sci-Fi war is hard to get a balance on, but the team of Irvine and Crosland are doing so nicely. Looking forward o seeing more.

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Halo: Lone Wolf #1

Dec 28, 2018

HALO: LONE WOLF #1 works on multiple levels and is a great opening shot to a new story.

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Haphaven #Review

Mar 5, 2019

You will be lucky if you added this to your pull list, but if not, make sure you order a copy as soon as you can.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #55

Dec 6, 2018

This is a great little issue. Is it going to change the way we look at comics or holiday titles? Nope. Is it an entertaining issue in a solid run of entertaining issues from a great creative team? Yep. Not every issue has to break your mind. The point of comics is to be entertained, and Harley Quinn #55 does that in spades. As far as holiday issues go, it may not be groundbreaking, but HARLEY QUINN #55 is great fun and a nice look into the character and her world.

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Hellchild: Blood Money #1

Apr 2, 2019

HELLCHILD: BLOOD MONEY #1 relies on story hooks better left in the past and wastes a possibly breakout character.

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Hex Wives #1

Dec 31, 1969

HEX WIVES is the witches versus the patriarchy book you didn't know you needed. A deep plot, lots of violence, and the promise of swerves and twist make it a title you want to pick up.

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I Moved To Los Angeles To Work In Animation #1

Dec 15, 2018

I MOVED TO LOS ANGELES TO WORK IN ANIMATION is a great and rewarding story that serves as an example of what can happen when you follow your dreams.

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IF Anthology Horror #1

Dec 27, 2018

I think it all begins to boil down to your definition of horror. I love horror. I did re-read many stories presented in IF. It is a solid collection with some excellent stories that are well structured and genuinely frightful. That said, there are some that were not quite ready for prime time. From pacing, to the art, the reasons are varied, but regardless, it is a nice anthology of stories with a good scare factor.

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Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther #1

Nov 26, 2018

INFINITY WARS: GHOST Panther #1 is a great mix of two popular characters and their origins to create a whole new character that is just as interesting, if not more so, than the originals.

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Ironheart #1

Dec 3, 2018

Yes, I enjoyed this book. It hit all the marks starting with a great script and wonderful pacing to a visually stunning style that drew me in. It was great seeing an armored hero take on another tech based hero again, and the implications of the last have of this book are amazing. I canlt wait to see what comes next and will be adding this to my pull list.IRONHEART #1 has the well thought out story and amazing visuals that you want un your comics. Probably one of my favorite first issues of the year.

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Irredeemable #7

Oct 12, 2009

Still enjoying the series, but I am waiting for a big turning point. I'm going 3 out of 5 stars. There can only be so many issues of despair before it starts to wear on your experience.

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It Came Out On A Wednesday #2

Aug 17, 2018

A quality title at a price that you will have a hard time beating.

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James Bond 007 (2018) #2

Dec 18, 2018

James Bond 007 #2 very much has a cinematic feel to it, as it has every right to. It is part of an exciting storyline that mirrors the paperback adventures of Bond, and makes you comfortable with the details you know and receptive to what you do not. I myself have a large collection of the 1960's era Signet novels, and this fully has a similar feel to those originals as penned by Ian Fleming. It is all together a solid, entertaining book. Maybe it isn't 2006 Casino Royale quality, yet, but it sure as hell is leaps and bounds above 1967 Casino Royale. JAMES BOND 007 #2 is a good story with solid product from a great team of creators.

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Judge Dredd Megazine #404

Jan 15, 2019

JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE #404 shouldn't wind up a not found error, tell your local comic shop to pick yours up today.

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Jughead's Time Police #1

Jun 11, 2019

Make time for Jughead's Time Police #1, you won't be sorry.

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Jughead's Time Police #5

Oct 29, 2019

Absolutely one of the wackiest and most enjoyable issues of the year!

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Justice League Dark (2018) #1

Jul 25, 2018

It has a unique line up, with at least one choice I was surprised by. Overall, it is a solid book but it might take a little longer to remember the spells to be true magic. Keep your eye on it and pick it up if magic heroes are your thing.

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Justice League: Odyssey #1

Sep 26, 2018

Saddling the initial story with events from another series seems to be stifling a great creative team that holds promise. It's worth a chance to let the story develop.

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Kid Colt #1

Aug 11, 2009

By the end of the story you are introduced to a good supporting cast, given the origin of a legend, established an arch-nemesis and have a door left open for the further adventures of Kid Colt. Is it a happy ending? Well, not for everybody, and there are several deaths along the way. But I believe that the reader will get a happy ending and not regret this purchase. Marvel does not put out issues like this to often, so if you are even remotely interested in excellent westerns or are a fan DeFalco or Burchett's work pick it up. I have no qualms about giving this book 4 out of 5 Stars.

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Kiss: The End #1

Apr 12, 2019

KISS: THE END #1 will be great for fans, but may leave the uninitiated a little cold.

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Lady Action #1

Dec 21, 2009

I'm going to be quick and merciful here, and just give Lady Action #1 a rating of 2 out of 5 stars.

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Last Stop on the Red Line #1

May 14, 2019

A dark mystery that will have you aching for more while at the same time filling you with titillating dread.

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Lightstep #1

Nov 20, 2018

Not without its flaws, LIGHTSTEP #1 looks as if it could bring some original ideas to the science fiction genre. I want to give it some time to grow, but the sprouts looks good so far.

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Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers (2009): Unleashed #2

Apr 22, 2010

I admit, I was something of a snob with this book initially. I figured that it would be full of sight gags and over used jokes, with silly art and no real story, but I was wrong. Luckily, I am man enough to admit when I am wrong! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and actually plan to pick up the trades of the other Pet Avengers appearances, hoping that they are as good as this one. And it is kid friendly? WIN-WIN!

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Lone Ranger (2018) #4

Jan 17, 2019

I reviewed the first issue of this series several months back, and while I had a few issues with the timeline and real world events, I believe I still said to pick it up. That recommendation has not changed. The Lone Ranger #4 is a rip-roaring tale that unfolds at an unbelievable entertaining pace and is an effortless read. Grab your spurs and head out to your local purveyor of sequential art and periodicals, The Lone Ranger #4 is worth the time.

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Manor Black #1

Jul 29, 2019

MANOR BLACK #1 is another feather in the cap of the prolific Mr. Bunn and his collaborator Mr. Hurtt, a black, bloody feather.

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Mars Attacks (2018) #3

Dec 26, 2018

MARS ATTACKS #3 is a great issue that you need to read. Ignore the past satirical, sometimes silly nature of the property and get ready for a truly great story.

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Marvel Action: Avengers #3

Mar 22, 2019

Solid writing, spectacular art, and a lot of action makes Marvel Action: Avengers #3 a must pick up title for fans new and old.

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Marvel Action: Avengers #8

Nov 8, 2019

Lots of action, some great laughs, and a family friendly feel.

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Marvel Action: Black Panther #6

Nov 20, 2019

Delivering a message within all the action, this is the Black Panther story that will draw you in

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Marvel Action: Captain Marvel #2

Sep 17, 2019

MARVEL ACTION: CAPTAIN MARVEL #2 is a great title that can be enjoyed by all, and looks one you can give that friend that wants an easy in to the comic universe.

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Marvel Action: Spider-Man #2

Mar 12, 2019

A solid title aimed at the right audience. More spider for your buck!

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Marvel Action: Spider-Man #9

Oct 10, 2019

MARVEL ACTION: SPIDER-MAN #9 delivers the action packed punch needed to keep it in the ranks of a top caliber Spider-Man title.

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Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #7

Jun 29, 2018

A great read, and the fact they give you a previous issue summary lends to the enjoyment. I love seeing these old characters thrown into new roles, and can't wait to see where it will end up.

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Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1

Dec 10, 2018

THE MERRY X-MEN HOLIDAY SPECIAL #1 is a wonderful excursion into one month in the lives of the X-Men. It combines the spirit of the holidays, a message, tears and laughs all in one package that nearly everyone should enjoy.

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Mickey Mouse and Friends #296

Oct 1, 2009

A grown man reading a Disney comic in the United States may get (got) more than a few stares, but I believe this book is worth dealing with some stares. Is it groundbreaking literature? No. Is it full of adult themes? No. Does it have an entertaining story, comical moments, and some morals hidden way down, yes. I read this book by myself at first, but a little while later I read it to my daughter and she seemed to enjoy it. Since she is only 18 months, it can be a little hard to tell. I can almost guarantee you that she was as entertained by the voices I made up to go with the story as she was by the story itself and the illustrations. This book is well worth the money, and will take you back to that place where you where just a kid with a rolled up comic in your back pocket. I can't wait to see what else Boom Studios has instore for us. I'm giving Mickey Mouse and Friends #296 4 out of 5 stars.

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Midnight Radio #1

May 24, 2019

Powerful and moving. I cannot recommend it enough.

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Mister Miracle (2017) #11

Sep 20, 2018

Mister Miracle #11 remains a smart book of big ideas with a few handful of feels thrown in for good measure.

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Moonshine (2016) #10

May 18, 2018

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Murder Falcon #1

Oct 12, 2018

MURDER FALCON #1 is a great fun read that really does rock. You should take a break from whatever book you are reading and pick this one up.

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Mysteries of Love in Space #1

Jan 30, 2019

I believe that the anthology format DC Comics uses, despite the higher than average price-point, is a solid one and I hope continues. You get access to lots of stories that would not fit within the normal confines of a monthly series or are not long enough to justify a limited series. Sometimes they seem to set the stage for up upcoming stories, and sometimes they are just because the creators love that character. Either way, it is worth the effort and full of entertainment.MYSTERIES OF LOVE IN SPACE #1 continues DC's effort to bring us short stories in an anthology format, all based on a theme with a twist. I love it, and I think you would too. Make sure you pull a copy for your Valentine today.

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Mystery Science Theater 3000 #1

Sep 12, 2018

It takes the original concept and adapts it to a new medium with mixed results. Fun, but may be a little zany for some people

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Nancy Drew (2018) #1

Jun 8, 2018

It will be a mystery if you don't check this book out.

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Nemesis: The Imposters #1

Mar 11, 2010

Overall, I really am not sure what to think about this issue. While the cover and art are great, the story itself reads a little schizophrenic. Is the style a set up for Thomas Tresser's current state of mind? What about the insertion of Brother Eye and the reference to The Electric City? I went in expecting something akin to a guns blazing action story and just seemed to get lost along the way. Ironic, considering that this is a character that relies heavily on subterfuge and misdirection to accomplish his goals; I am pretty sure that he would be pleased. I'll admit that my recent read of the character's portrayal in the Wonder Woman series had me expecting one thing and I got another, but to have to read a book three times to get it is a little excessive. I personally could have used a little explanation of the who, what, when, where and why of the story, but I have a feeling that that will be waiting until the next issue. As it stands, we have great art with some memorable panels an

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New Challengers (2018) #2

Jun 20, 2018

A fun and imaginative modern interpretation of one of the great legacy teams from DC Comic's expansive history. By for the concept, stay for the story.

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New Talent Showcase: 2018 #1

Dec 12, 2018

NEW TALENT SHOWCASE 2018 #1 will expose you to the latest creators, and hopefully, make you curious enough to try out some additional titles.

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Nightwing (2016) #48

Sep 5, 2018

Nightwing finds a different path on his way to save his companions, and I just hope that the potholes are filled in by the next issue.

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Nola #1

Nov 18, 2009

Nola is a story of how unforeseen events can have life changing consequences. In parallel with New Orleans, we watch Nola go from a beautiful woman with few cares to a dangerous one, much like what happened to the city itself. Even her name, Nola, could be broken down into New Orleans, LA. Her story is unique, but at the same time it is the story of the city. It may be an ugly story, but it is one you will enjoy. I'm giving this first issue of Nola 5 out of 5 stars.

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Pearl #1

Aug 15, 2018

Pearl #1 holds the promise of drama, crime, assassins, and love that will satisfy even the most hardcore fan.

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Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt (2019) #1

Jan 29, 2019

I have limited exposure to Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt. I read a few of his DC appearances and have a copy of Peter Cannon" Thunderbolt #58 published by Modern Comics, a reprint which is an exact duplicate of the Charlton issue, but little else. That said, he was an interesting character and I always wondered what could be done with him in a different setting under the care of a really big name creative team. Now I'm finding out, and it is looking good so far. PETER CANNON: THUNDERBOLT #1 is a look at a different sort of hero, and with a writer such as Kieron Gillen at the reigns, is sure to be an exciting adventure.

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Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt (2019) #5

May 29, 2019

An amazing use story and executed so masterfully it should have people talking for years to come.

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Planet of the Apes: The Time of Man #1

Nov 2, 2018

PLANET OF THE APES: THE TIME OF MAN, is not ground breaking and does not change the landscape of the current or past PotA universes, but instead add a richness to them that sometimes seems lacking in the effort to capitalize on the latest blockbuster.

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Poe #4

Oct 21, 2009

Im glad the opportunity came up to review this book. Its a great tale that is outside what I normally read and kept me entertained throughout. Im giving Poe #4, 4.5 out of 5 stars. I was entertained and it even got me to go back and check out the previous issues, which is always a plus.

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Predator: Hunters II #1

Aug 7, 2018

Make sure this title gets on your hit parade, it's one worth bagging.

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Project Superpowers: Chapter Two #4

Nov 4, 2009

This issue has a portion of character insight mixed with a lot of foreshadowing and a ton of action. As a fan of the series, I can honestly say that each issue has me looking forward to the next. Although I am curious about where this story fits in with the Meet The Bad Guys series and the Black Terror ongoing, it does not diminish my enjoyment in the least. But, because of this and how hard it may be for new readers to jump in, I'm giving a 3 out of 5 stars here. It's above average and I love the concept, but it may be tough for new readers.

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Project Superpowers: Meet the Bad Guys #1

Aug 18, 2009

Project Superpowers: Meet the Bad Guys #1 arrives Wednesday, August 19th. If you want something that is more than run of the mill superhero antics, pick it up. I'm giving it 4 out of 5 stars and adding it to my pull list, so should you!

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Project Superpowers: Meet the Bad Guys #2

Oct 6, 2009

As I said, I did enjoy the story as it was presented, but a closer look dampened that enjoyment. I would like to see more of The Revolutionary, and wonder if The Fighting Yank will conscience for the character, but only time will tell. A fun ride that had some faults on closer inspection, I'm going with a 2.5 out of 5 on this one. Maybe time will justify a higher score, but right it is just an average story that hints at the possibilities it could reach.

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Project Superpowers: Meet the Bad Guys #3

Nov 3, 2009

It often feels as if there are a lot of open plot points at the end of these Meet The Bad Guys issues, and this one is no exception. Dagon's very existence has brought Samson's beliefs to question, and it has opened up a whole slew of possibilities in character growth and story threads. Throw in the questions that his own friends have about him, and you have to wonder when, not if, he is getting a spotlight mini-series. In my opinion, of the three issues out there, this third is the best of the bunch. It focuses on a character who could have been a one trick pony and opens up new possibilities with him. The one bad thing is that there is still a good deal of resistance to these characters and their world. The way everything seems to focus around Green Lama and a choice few others bothers me, but it is nice to see Samson get the light for a little. Near as perfect an issue as you can get, I give Project Superpowers - Meet the Bad Guys #3, 4.5 out of 5 Stars. I'm sure there are those out

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Psi-Lords #1

Apr 18, 2019

Relaunching any previously used title is always a crapshoot. You have older readers who may have memories of how the stories went originally, and then you have newer readers who may not get any references made to the previous continuity. Here, Fred Van Lente seems to have hit a nice balance of old and new, and looks to leave no reader behind.

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Punk Mambo #1

Feb 25, 2019

PUNK MAMBO #1 will slam dance its way onto your read list and put its unique brand of magic and mayhem at the top of your comic pile.

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Punks Not Dead: London Calling #1

Mar 1, 2019

A wild walk on the wild side with supernatural spectacles and musical nods, Punks Not Dead: London's Calling #1 deserves a spot on your hit parade.

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Queen Sonja #1

Oct 30, 2009

Overall, this issue is a nice start to a new series. You have a major change for the character, and enough teases to make you want to know what comes next. The reprinted story is a major treat, and makes me want to go did up old the old black and white magazines that this story originally appeared in. And the price it right. You get a lot of content for the price of a regular sized issue. Weighing in the start of a new series and the extras, I am going with a 4 out of 5 stars.

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Quincredible #1

Nov 27, 2018

QUINCREDIBLE #1 is a great first issue. It lays it all down for you and lets the character grow organically, while giving you strings to explore the large superhero universe.

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Rainbow Brite #2

Nov 17, 2018

RAINBOW BRITE #2 is a refreshing update to an older franchise that feels smart and new. Recognizing that every girl is a potential hero, it looks like it could be one of those titles to make memories for a whole new generation.

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Rat Queens (2017) #10

Jul 12, 2018

An unexpected close to a rollercoaster of a storyline. If you are in the know, you already pick this book up, if not, go check it out and see what you're missing.

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Rat Queens (2017) #19

Oct 24, 2019

Great story-telling that keeps you guessing, told with spectacular imagery. Well worth the price of admission.

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Rat Queens (2017): Swamp Romp Special #1

Apr 11, 2019

SWAMP ROMP is a great time to jump on the Rat Queen title and get a sneak preview of the new creative team.

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Rat Queens (2017): Neon Static Special #1

Jul 18, 2018

Taking them out of the familiar medieval fantasy and thrusting them into a new genre, Rat Queens rule and the others drool, not matter the ruleset.

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Red Circle: Inferno #1

Aug 18, 2009

The concept of Inferno is not as unique as it seems at first glance either. A hero with two separate identities has been done with Captain Marvel (the DC and Marvel versions) Marvelman, and even Thor, the Hulk and MLJ's Red Rube. We have the added twist of amnesia here, but it is not really enough to make everything fresh. As I said, the art takes me away from the story, and the script just seems too simple. While Starczynski is famous for complicated scripts with multiple layers, the introduction of the characters and time between the regular series may be too long to keep up interest. I'm going with 1.5 out of 5 stars.

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Red Circle: The Hangman #1

Aug 10, 2009

The art has a nice raw feel to it, a little reminiscent of the Villagrans. There are some occasional hiccups with the colors, but overall it is visually appealing. The cover by Jesus Saiz is a real treat, and I actually prefer his rendition over the muscle bound one in the story, but it works with the team drawing it. The story is an old one, with the Faustian deal and night induced transformations, but you can see some upcoming plot twists with alter-ego conflicts. But I think that, for its intended purpose as an introduction, this one shot serves well. Having said that, I think that it could have been a little more served by showing the character in action through history and just introducing Dickering's current situation in the last few pages.

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Red Circle: The Shield #1

Aug 31, 2009

The Shield will be headlining his own title starting in September, with stories that are supposed to cement him and his fellows into the DCU proper and make him a major player. I look forward to reading those stories, but hope that The Shield and the other Red Circle ongoing title, The Web, don't turn into a guest-of-the-month books. These characters have a proven track record, and should be able to run on their own. Only time will tell how this integration will work. I for one am hoping for success. I'm going with 3 out of 5 stars for this introductory "one-shot."

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Red Circle: The Web #1

Aug 20, 2009

I think that JMS as managed to catch me in his "web" with this book. While I still think that the other two Red Circle titles deserve the scores I gave them, this book hits the mark. I really opened this one up not expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. I thought long and hard about the score for this title, and after much deliberation, have decided to go for a 3.5 out of 5 Stars. It is a little late coming, but it is worth it.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #26

Sep 12, 2018

Jason Todd, once again, steps out of the shadow of Batman and even his own team, shining like a fire in the night for this great opening salvo of a new storyline. Pick it up.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #32

Mar 13, 2019

RED HOOD: OUTLAW #32 could prove to be the start of the redemption of Jason Todd, or of his damnation. Only Lobdell knows for sure.

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Red Sonja (2017) #19

Jul 30, 2018

Red Sonja continues to assert her authority, and it's a great adventure to witness.

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Red Sonja (2019) #1

Feb 7, 2019

RED SONJA #1 is a well-plotted, well-written and well-illustrated issue that does proud to its legacy. Pick your copy up today and enjoy the bloodshed.

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Red Sonja (2019): Lord of Fools #1

Jul 30, 2019

Delve deeper into the motivations of the main characters, and enjoy this little interlude before the next storyline starts in issue #7.

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Red Tornado #1

Sep 10, 2009

The first issue of this 6 issue mini-series hit all the needed beats: An update on the main character's status, introduction of the antagonist, beginnings of the main plot, and lots of smaller possible subplots peppered throughout the story. It's a solid beginning for a character that has needed some focus and a nice spotlight for quite a while. I give it 3.5 stars out of 5.

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Red Tornado #2

Oct 12, 2009

1.5 out of 5 stars. It would have gotten lower, but it did move the story along, no-matter how poorly. With four more issue to go, I have to wonder if there is a chance for redemption? I really hope so, I would hate to wait another twenty-plus years to read the solo adventures of Red Tornado.

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Retrograde Orbit #1

Sep 18, 2018

Flint's tale, and Baczynski's presentation, is one which deserves to be up there with other notable works in graphic novel storytelling. Highly recommended.

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Revenge of Wonderland #6

Jan 5, 2019

REVENGE OF WONDERLAND #6 is a satisfying end to the series, and with the exception of a few bumps, it is a fun ride down the rabbit hole.

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Ripley's Believe It or Not! #1

Oct 4, 2018

Great tales of the weird and bizarre, with their feet set firmly in real world events. Great for fans and newcomers alike.

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Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1

Oct 16, 2018

RISE OF THE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES fills a hole in the TMNT universe which has not yet been dug

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Rivers of London: Water Weed #3

Aug 14, 2018

An urban fantasy with a great background, check it out if want something different from the norm.

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Robocop: Citizens Arrest #5

Aug 11, 2018

Make sure Robocop: Citizens Arrest #5 makes it to your read list, or you might end up regretting it.

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Robotech (2017) #17

Feb 8, 2019

An exciting breath of life into a beloved series, with modern interpretations of the characters and bold new storylines.

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Robotech (2017) #24

Sep 12, 2019

Robotech #24 marks the end of a stellar run and the beginning of a bright new future.

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Roku (2019) #2

Nov 21, 2019

Solid beats and some good action sequences make this second issue pop with potential.

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Rolled & Told #1

Sep 27, 2018

An excellent title suitable for all ages of players. This title is a natural 20! Add it to your arsenal.

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Ruin of Thieves #1

May 24, 2018

A dark and brooding book that visits a genre of fantasy that is too often ignore.

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Scooby Doo Where Are You? #93

Jun 23, 2018

A continuation of a great franchise, fun and fast, just the thing you need to break up the monotony of your day.

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Scooby-Doo Team-up #39

Jun 30, 2018

A great book featuring heroes that sometimes seem forgotten at the DC offices, wonderful treat for fans of those original characters

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Season's Beatings #1

Dec 24, 2018

SEASON'S BEATINGS #1 would be the perfect gift for that sarcastic person in your life. Put it in their stocking right beside the lump of coal.

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Shadowman (2018) #8

Oct 25, 2018

Shadowman #8 is one a title for comic fans who don't care for the cape and cowl set. While it is not in the same vein as Constantine or Dr. Strange, it straddles the world of the superhero and the mature fan nicely. There is enough in it to satisfy a multitude of people, and the story and pacing will have you coming back next month to see where the story goes next.

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Shadowman (2018) #11

Jan 18, 2019

Shadowman #11 is a product that feels, to me, as if it could have used another issue or a double sized special to give the story room to stretch out and feel more complete. All of the story beats are hit, I believe all of the plot lines were tied up, but it feels too rushed. It is a shame, because up to this point the series had been excellent and unique and a must read on my list.SHADOWMAN #11 wraps up the Rag and Bone storyline, but seems like it needed more. IN BOLD, summarize what I thought of the issue and why I think the reader may be interested.

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Sif #1

Apr 30, 2010

There are some moments that just chill you when you read them, and the book quickly turns to space/survival/horror mode and gets the heart rate up.

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Skyward (2018) #2

May 23, 2018

A fun book that takes an interesting premise and makes you care about its characters.

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Sniper Elite: Resistance #1

Aug 28, 2018

Sniper Elite: Resistance #1 continues the Rebellion tradition of bringing excellent stories and art not only to their home consumers in the UK but all across the world. Fans of the game will enjoy the action and revealing story, and comic readers, in general, will have action and adventure worthy of the great war titles of days gone by.

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Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #16

May 12, 2019

It looks to be a slam-bang storyline, and the impending battle between Sonic, a reinvigorated Dr. Eggman and metal zombies is a total winner!

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Spencer & Locke 2 #1

Feb 6, 2019

This book is not out for a few months, but I hope that my thoughts on it make you check it out if you don't already have it on your pull list. While you're at it, take time to delve into the roots of this book, its pretty amazing stuff. This is psychological crime noir at its best. The mash-up you never realized you needed until now.SPENCER & LOCKE 2 #1 is the psychological, homage filled, crime noir book you never knew you needed until now. Get it on your pull list.

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Spencer & Locke 2 #2

May 18, 2019

Spencer & Locke 2 is quickly turning into a must read favorite. Order yours today.

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Spencer & Locke 2 #3

Jun 10, 2019

A solid, expressive issue with great story telling and technique.

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Spencer & Locke 2 #4

Jul 1, 2019

A rock solid psychological action thriller that will make you look at your childhood in a different light.

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Star Trek: Picard - Countdown #2

Dec 19, 2019

With the spotlight on Jean-Luc, you know the story is going to be good!

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Star Trek: Waypoint: Special 2019 #1

Apr 23, 2019

Good writing, nice art, and a chance to visit old favorites. An overall solid title.

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Star Trek: Year Five #1

Apr 24, 2019

Great action and intriguing twist make Star Trek: Year Five a must read issue.

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Star Wars (2014) #74

Nov 15, 2019

A mad rush to complete the tale, you can almost hear the John William's soundtrack swelling in the background.

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Star Wars Adventures #19

Mar 29, 2019

STAR WARS ADVENTURES #19 is a great example of what an all-ages book should be, and it continues the stellar work IDW Publishing is putting out in licensing.

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Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet #1

Nov 12, 2018

HAN SOLO IMPERIAL CADET #1 has the potential to be a great addition to the Star Wars universe of stories, but it has to tread lightly and watch out for the pitfall of trying to cram too much into the given space. That said, I look forward to the next issue.

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Star Wars: Invasion #1

Aug 12, 2009

While the artwork fit this issue, and elements such as the Yuzzhan Vong and such seemed solid, the story itself seemed to miss a bit. During the battle, Luke makes his appearance of dozens of Vong corpses, but the best Jedi had trouble defeating even one Vong this early in the prose series. The sittings and characters may be a little to "alien" to the casual reader. Even Star Wars fans might find issue with some elements of the story. This and some of the clich characters make me give this issue one and a half out of five stars.

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Star Wars: Invasion #2

Aug 12, 2009

Finn's sister's scenes save this book from getting a score lower than one and a half out of five.

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Starcraft: Scavengers #1

Jul 28, 2018

Good science fiction setting with well-rounded characters. A great glimpse into other parts of the StarCraft Universe.

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Strayed #1

Aug 13, 2019

Strayed #1 is one of those that may slip under a lot of people's radar, don't let it. Get yours on new comic day.

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Suicide Squad (2016) Annual #1

Aug 22, 2018

A solid tale with a wonderful cast of characters, some not seen for years. Lots of room for follow-up and some great moments.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #1

Nov 8, 2018

Bottom line, it is a good issue. By giving us two stories in one issue we get more of our monies worth & it fulfills a request I had after reading the Suicide Squad Annual about seeing some of the other teams. The first story, by an industry vet, is paced well & structured to fit the pages it was allotted. The second seems very crammed; hopefully it will find its narrative feet as the story progresses.

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Superman (2018) #1

Jul 11, 2018

Superman may very well be back onto a path to greatness, and I am looking forward to the journey.

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Swashbucklers: The Saga Continues #5

Aug 31, 2018

SWASHBUCKLERS: THE SAGA CONTINUES #5, strives to deliver big action on an epic scale. Despite some bumps, it remains entertaining with a unique setting and memorable characters. However, it may read better on the whole in a collected edition.

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Sword Daughter #1

Jun 4, 2018

A tale of vengeance and family bonds, Sword Daughter will not disappoint.

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Sword Daughter #2

Jul 7, 2018

Dag and Elsbeth are closer to their revenge, and possibly of understanding the meaning of family.

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Swordsmith Assassin #3

Oct 20, 2009

I found that while I was reading the issue, I felt as if I was being told a true tale of ancient Japan. And there lies another problem; I actually felt like I was being told a tale, not reading it. It was being told in a rather dry manner, and whereas normally the art would pick up and give the emotion, here it just seemed a lacking. I was not drawn in wondering how Ono could complete his quest, and that is a problem. I give Swordsmith Assassin #3 a solid 2.5 out of 5 stars. It is an average book, that just misses the boat on being so much more. Maybe the fourth and final issue will pull it all together better.

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Tank Girl (2018) #2

Jan 22, 2019

TANK GIRL: ACTION ALLEY #2 is a great jumping on point for new readers. Fans, old and new, should grab a copy when it hits shelves.

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Teen Titans (2016) #23

Oct 17, 2018

TEEN TITANS #23 continues to live up to its predecessors, and possibly starts to prepare to exceed them in some ways. Pick it up and join the fun

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Teen Titans (2016) #33

Aug 21, 2019

Sins of the past are echoed here, and the repercussions for the future could be grave. Excellent issue!

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Teen Titans (2016): Special #1

Jun 27, 2018

With a new team on the way, led by Damian, these Teen Titans are not going to slap the villains on the wrists. Can the younger generation handle the heat?

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #1

Jan 17, 2019

SHREDDER IN HELL #1 is a spirited look at the soul of a man made a villain by necessity. I look forward to seeing where it winds up.

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The Anchor - The Five Furies #1

Feb 9, 2010

As mentioned in the beginning, this first volume from Boom Studios gives you the initial four issues of the series, an eleven page cover gallery, and art work from the 2010 Emerald City Comicon. While there is nothing in the way of prologues or forewords, you get the full first story arc, and that is the most important part. At a $9.99 price point, this is also a very affordable trade, and it makes a great jumping point for new readers. You can also pick up the fifth issue of the series on the same day, and get a little something extra as you enjoy the ongoing adventurs of Clem and Hofi as they battle monsters across the globe. This trade gets a solid 4 out of 5 stars, and will be placed proudly on my bookshelf.

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The Black Ghost #3

Nov 26, 2019

Action packed with a deep meaning, THE BLACK GHOST #3 is different than you may have expected, but more than you could ask for.

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The Death-Defying Devil (2019) #3

Oct 17, 2019

Probably best taken in context with the previous two issues, DATH-DEFYING 'DEVIL #3 never the less is solid and entertaining, making it work your money.

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The Forgotten Queen #1

Feb 27, 2019

The Forgotten Queen #1 has it all, war, love, mystery, all delivered by a wonderful team of creators.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly #4

Oct 5, 2009

I'm going with 3.5 out of 5 Stars. If you like westerns, are curious about the genre, or are a fan of the movies, this is good place to start. Pick it up at your local comic shop.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly #5

Nov 17, 2009

Overall, a good issue with a few flaws that stops it from being great. I'm giving this issue 3 out of 5 stars. Now that this arc is over with, I look forward to seeing what else Dixon and the rest of his posse have in-store for the Man With No Name.

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The Kill Lock #1

Dec 26, 2019

THE KILL LOCK #1 is a tale which will catch you off guard, evoke emotions you were not expecting, and pull you into its narrative.

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The Last Siege #1

May 30, 2018

You want to like it, because it hints at a great story, but there is just not enough exposition to set it up.

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The Mainstream #2

May 23, 2018

In this, the second of a five-issue series, it seems to be holding its plot cards close to its vest. I'm hoping we are dealt a winning hand as it plays out.

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The Mainstream #3

Jun 30, 2018

As we start this third of five issue series, there are still some plot points unanswered, but it seems we are closer to finding out the answer to some of the mystery.

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The Sandman Universe #1

Aug 8, 2018

The Sandman Universe #1 is a wonderful beginning to what hopes to be a long run of new stories with the characters of this beloved story.

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The Shield #1

Sep 16, 2009

All in all, it was an above average issue, but nothing earth-shattering. If you have a love of the characters, are a fan of the patriotic heroes, or of movies like the Bourne series, pick it up. It will stay on my pull list until it starts to disappointment me, which hopefully won't be anytime soon. I'm going with a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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The Shield #2

Oct 16, 2009

In closing, it is an interesting book. That said, it is a hard one to rate, as we have two separate and equal stories, neither depending on the other for anything. But, when you pay for one you pay for both, and that may not be a good thing. I will not bother trying to give separate grades and will layout a score for the whole book. That score is a 2.5 out of 5. It is a middle of the road book that is so close to being above average, but there just seems to be something stopping it from taking off.

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The Six Million Dollar Man (2019) #1

Mar 6, 2019

Solid and entertaining writing combined with great art make for a fun read that is refreshing and enjoyable.

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The Vigilant One-Shot #1

Aug 14, 2018

Grab a copy and see superheroes from a different angle, you'll be surprised.

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The Visitor (2019) #1

Dec 19, 2019

Too much secrecy in the plot and forgettable characters are granted a reprieve by great art and colors.

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The Warning #1

Nov 30, 2018

THE WARNING #1 shows great potential, with a high concept focus and an interesting cast of characters. I feel, however, it just may take more than just this first issue to grab you enough to keep it in your pull box.

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The Web #1

Sep 28, 2009

Over all, I was not disappointed in the least. This title was even stronger than the new ongoing Shield title I reviewed a few weeks back, and I really enjoyed that. Both features are very strong, and the creative teams did something that are vital in the comic game, they made me want to know what was going to happen next. From the shocking revelations of Robinson's The Web, to the cryptic foreshadowing of Rozum's The Hangman, this is a title that I canlt wait to read the next installment of. Add it to your pull list and you won't be disappointed. I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars!

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The Wrath of Fantomas #1

Feb 23, 2019

A rousing adventure in a vein not normally seen by today's American audiences. Action packed and merciless, The Wrath of Fantamos should steal its way into your collection as soon as possible.

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The Wrong Earth #1

Sep 11, 2018

A mix of a modern comic and an old style comic magazine, Wrong Earth may be the right title to pick up if you are wanting to get on the band wagon of a promising new series early.

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Thrilling Adventure Hour #2

Aug 20, 2018

Thrilling Adventure Hour #2 brings back the feel of classic old time radio shows to a visual format. It's one of the best examples I have found of genre mixing, and is a winner. Tune into your local comic shop and hunt down a copy.

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Thulsa Doom #2

Sep 30, 2009

The initial storyline of Thulsa Doom series, Feast of Venom, has been action packed looks to bethe beginning to a great tale. Revealing the untold history of a great literary villain may have been something of a leap of faith, but it is a leap that is well worth the chance. I'm giving Thulsa Doom #2 a score of 4 out of 5 stars.

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Thulsa Doom #3

Nov 12, 2009

Still a good issue, and hopefully will lead to more. Thulsa Doom #3, earns 3 out of 5 stars.

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Titans (2016) #27

Oct 11, 2018

Not a lot of action, but plenty of life. Hopefully, a small detour leading to a return to the action-filled previous storylines.

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Transformers (2019) #11

Aug 29, 2019

A landmark issue you don't want to miss. Make sure your pull list is complete with this one.

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Transformers: Bumblebee: Go for the Gold! #1

Dec 21, 2018

TRANSFORMERS: BUMBLEBEE GO FOR THE GOLD ONE-SHOT #1 is thin on plot but heavy on action. If you need a 'bot fix before the Bumblebee movie comes out, this is an one way to get it.

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Turok (2019) #1

Jan 10, 2019

This issue was a solid first introduction to the character of Turok. Now I start to wonder, does this character share the same timeline as previous characters? If this was Dynamite's first title for Turok I would assume that it was a fresh start. The fact they have published multiple titles with the name Turok, as well as him appearing in the limited series Gold Key: Alliance, makes me wonder. Also, there is a character I several panels which bears a striking resemblance to one whi appeared in Alliance. While I would prefer to see a new Turok unfettered by past incarnations, I am willing to take a wait and see attitude.

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #1

Nov 19, 2018

Take note future writers and creators, this is how you should be starting off a major storyline. You use all the tools and characters at your disposal, propose a mystery, and then tie it all with a bow, then put a bomb in the box. The cliffhanger in the first tale received an audible exclamation of "DUDE!" from me, and was a complete surprise. This is a storyline I will keep up with, if for no other reason than to experience this wonderful creative team some more.UNCANNY X-MEN #1 sets up a powerful mystery, then changes the rules on the cliffhanger. A strong book by a strong team.

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Usagi Yojimbo (2019) #1

Jun 19, 2019

A solid, expressive issue with great story telling and technique.

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Vagrant Queen #1

Jun 7, 2018

Pick this book up now before you regret letting it pass you by later.

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Valiant High #1

May 30, 2018

This is one book you don't want to drop-out on, pick it up today!

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Valiant High #2

Jun 6, 2018

Pick this book up, there may be a quiz later.

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Valiant High #3

Jul 6, 2018

Valiant High #3 remains at the head of the class, and the head of your pull list!

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Valiant High #4

Aug 1, 2018

A great book that graduated into a satisfying experience, pick it up now!

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Vampirella (2017): Halloween Special #1

Oct 30, 2018

VAMPIRELLA HALLOWEEN SPECIAL is fun, but not without a few problems. However, look past those problems and just have fun. Halloween only comes once a year! Grab this issue to relive it year long.

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Vampirella (2017): Valentine's Day Special #1

Feb 14, 2019

This is a great book to pick up for the Vampirella fan in your life, or to add to that box of chocolates for your sweetheart!

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Vampirella (2019) #1

Jul 18, 2019

If you are a hardcore Vampi fan, this is a no brainer. The casual reader may be turned off by this opening salvo.

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Vampirella vs. Reanimator #1

Dec 11, 2018

VAMPIRELLA VS REANIMATOR #1 is a great beginning to what could be a bloody good time. The character's motives mesh perfectly, and it looks like a great conflict is brewing.

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Vampironica #3

Sep 15, 2018

The Riverdale gang in different horror roles is as entertaining as it is original. This is a title you need to dig up at your local comic shop.

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Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2009) #1

Sep 24, 2009

So, how did I feel about the first issue of Vengeance of the Moon Knight? Surprisingly good; I picked it up to get a nice cover and was surprised to get a solid beginning to an intriguing story. Good art, good writing, and just enough suspense to make me curious about the future. The whole multiple personality thing still throws me a little, but I can overlook that, the story grabbed me that much. If you have not had the time to pick this title up, grab a copy, it'll surprise you. I'm giving it 4 out of 5 stars.

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Vengeance of Vampirella #2

Nov 7, 2019

Vengeance of Vampirella #2 is good issue that delivers at first, but starts to shake upon more scrutiny.

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Wall-E #0

Nov 12, 2009

I'm giving Wall-E #0 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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War Bears #1

Sep 6, 2018

Warbears is a wonderfully moving start to what is shaping up to be an A+ book. Have your local comic shop pull you a copy as soon as possible.

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Warlord of Mars Attacks #1

Jun 18, 2019

The lost Earthman meets the mad Martians, and it could not have been more entertaining.

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Web of Black Widow #2

Oct 13, 2019

WEB OF THE BLACK WIDOW #2 is a necessary buy for fans of any version of the character. This could be what defines Black Widow for the future.

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Web of Spider-Man (2009) #1

Oct 18, 2009

So, there you have it, the first issue of the new Web of Spider-Man series. Taking into account that they are using this as a building block for future Spidey stories, and it is the new home of Spider-Girl, this may be one to watch out for. All three stories have good art, and each has a little something different for everyone. As a general rule, the anthology as a format doesn't normally last long, and seeing what just happened recently to the Amazing Spider-Man Family book, I have to wonder how this one will last. Personally, I love anthologies, give me multiple stories to read in an issue and I am in comic heaven. That being said, I am giving Web of Spider-Man #1 4 out of 5 stars.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #1

Feb 13, 2019

WONDER TWINS #1 looks to be the start to a great little series re-imagining some of the most underused characters in the DC pantheon.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #51

Aug 2, 2018

A wonderful story that speaks to the heart, showing that not all battles are won through physical conflict. This could easily become one of the issues you give to your friend that doesn't read comics to show them comics are more than capes and tights. Put it on your to read list today.

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WWE #24

Jan 4, 2019

WWE #24 has a lot of heart and excitement, leaving you wanting to see more of these four-color matches.

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X-23 (2018) #7

Dec 17, 2018

X-23 #7 is a fast and fun issue that highlights the dynamic between the "sisters" and reinforces the effort to make the X-Men more accessible to the citizens of Earth-616.

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X-O Manowar (2017) #15

May 24, 2018

It has an irresistible story that uncovers more of the main character's past and builds on their currently evolving state at the same time. Make sure you pick it up.

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X-O Manowar (2017) #16

Jun 28, 2018

The tale of a rescue gone wrong continues and Arci learns about sacrifices. Great installment!

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Xena: Warrior Princess (2019) #5

Aug 15, 2019

The trio of warrior women continue their travels across the world, and this is a fine jumping on point for fans and new readers alike.

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Reviews for the Week of...


