Return to the world of Blade Runner in an all-new ongoing comic series from the pen of Michael Green (screenwriter for Blade Runner 2049) and Mike Johnson (Star Trek), illustrated by Andres Guinaldo (Justice League Dark, Captain America)! Veteran Blade Runner Ash hunts down the kidnapped child of a billionaire, but he's not all he seems...
Highly recommended! Read Full Review
Blade Runner 2019 #2 is another lovely slice of cyberpunk goodness. If you disagree, I may just have to run my own Voight-Kampff test! Read Full Review
Great plotting, strong art, and an excellent voice all contribute to a great issue. Read Full Review
It's rare for a comic book to flow so seamlessly this early in its run, but because we've had all of the world building done for us by the source material, it results in a story that just gets on with it. Well, that is until we reach another frustrating cliffhanger, but what a stunning final image episode 2 chooses to end on, as Ash slides down the side of a video-screen building having been shot out of the sky. #3 can't come soon enough. Read Full Review
"Blade Runner 2019" #2 moves confidently through its story with compelling writing and great art. Read Full Review
Great issue. The art upgrades and the voice of the character is very strong. If you are looking for a dectective story, this is for you.
just picked up this issue and #1. Good solid series so far to complement the movies. The art is really good, it's the thing thats elevating the series if im being honest
The artwork is excellent. The plot continues to unfold, many details are purposefully being withheld to heighten the intrigue. I'm hooked and ready to read more.