In the far future, a military-industrial complex reigns over all humanity and actively destroys distant alien worlds. The galaxy's only hope can be found through an unlikely pair: an astral-projecting cat named Lou and his loving owner Kiara. Trading nine lives for the well-being of billions, their revolt is a battle for love, friendship, compassion, and the soul of humanity.
This book was so good I've read it through four times already. If you're looking for a story in a league all it's own you just found it, now get it and read it! Read Full Review
Giffoni, Doe, and Krotzer, tell a tale rooted in connection and truth while wrestling with relevant themes of imperialism and conquest. Read Full Review
Final Verdict: 9.1 Illustrator Juan Doe's artwork leads the way throughout "Strayed" #1, allowing writer Carlos Giffoni to focus on the real story in this extraordinary series debut. Read Full Review
STRAYED is the cat's meow! STRAYED instantly grabs you, unapologetically immerses you into the narrative, and leaves you spinning as you take in this sci-fi marvel. I'm fully onboard to traveling alongside Lou and exploring this remarkable universe. Intriguing story, eye-gasmic illustrations, and a letterer going the extra mile, all make for a series to watch and a must-have title on your pull list. Let's get STRAYED! Read Full Review
I'm obviously onboard, for me this book captures so many of the things I love about comic books, the utter weirdness of Doom Patrol, the visually stunning images of Silver Surfer and the electric eclectic colors of 30 Days of Night, while maintaining a complete originality. If you are like me and trying to make every dollar you spend in the comic shop count, definitely add Strayed to your stack, then after you read it I'm sure you will be adding it to your pull list. Read Full Review
This issue does a fantastic job at creating the universe where humans are powerful but I don't feel it goes deep enough to demonstrate that world. I am curious as to see a little bit of how the rest of humanity is performing in this world. I am intrigued in seeing Lou being personified to be a human and yet still be a cat. Read Full Review
Boasting a genuinely interesting premise packed with emotional heft and stunning visuals, Strayed is an impressive new series that will appeal to cat owners and sci-fi fanatics alike. Highly, highly recommended. Read Full Review
Strayed #1 is one of those that may slip under a lot of people's radar, don't let it. Get yours on new comic day. Read Full Review
Strange sci-fi comics that aren't solely about being strange are a rarity in today's monthly comics industry, and comics that have a wholesome heart are even rarer. Strayed is both, and that's what makes it a must-read. Read Full Review
Strayed #1 did a solid job of introducing our two main characters and the world in which they're trapped. The tale will surely tug at the heartstrings of many a cat lover, and with good reason. Meanwhile, only time will tell what the main plot has in store. Read Full Review
This particular cat is going to end up saving humanity, I reckon. Regardless of how unlikely that may seem to anyone who has ever met a cat, Strayed is an entertaining take on galactic expansionism and cruel overlords. Read Full Review
Both Doe and Gioffoni establish a clear conflict, engaging characters, with enough questions in this initial outing to leave readers wondering where the story will go from here " the desired mark for any first issue to hit. Read Full Review
Strayed is a look at humanity and the things that motivate us as people. It interrogates opposite ends of the motivational spectrum: greed and love. It also asks us some of the Big Questions: Where do we go next? At what costs? And above all, how did we, the human race, get lucky enough to have pets that love us so much? Read Full Review
Though imperfect, Strayed #1 deserves to be adopted. Read Full Review
While Strayed #1 struggles a bit, I can certainly see where there is the potential for greater things to come. If the book can expand its story past the classic tropes it builds on here, there could be a unique story waiting to be told about a scientist and her especially gifted cat. Read Full Review
Strayed's core premise is such a childhood wish fulfillment; it is upsetting the rest of the book doesn't deliver the same sense of wonder. Read Full Review
Purrfect issue. Interesting setup, no doubt Lou is going to be a star of the series cause it looks like it's been chosen for a strange purpose which is unclear at this point, nevertheless, it holds a lot of potential. Art is dashing with all the cool colouring but I think it lacks proper detailing.
An effective first issue, which sets up the premise and begins to build the characters. The art is good too. Looking forward to issue two.
I honestly don't get if everyone else who reviewed this was being 100% honest with their opinions or not, but I am here to give some constructive criticism that the writer may not see... but hey that is the internet. This is clearly a passion project and feels truly indie, they have a gmail and bandcamp. The bandcamp page is to serve as a soundtrack for the story and that is really neat. They are clearly ambitious. However, cute cats can only get you so far and the pacing is a bit too rapidfire, I think this first issue should have spent more time developing the characters. Good luck to the team on future issues, this isn't a homerun, but it has potential.