Antonio Mireles's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Fandom Post Reviews: 14
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Archie (2015) #712

Mar 18, 2020

The leading characters in this issue are Sabrina and Katy Keene. Sabrina is able to deal with Archie's downfall and aspire him to do better in his quest. I do hope Archie's downfall leads somewhere in the future. Katy Keene is going on all wheels on her path to becoming a fashion designer. She is handed her dream if she works under someone else but she refuses and wants to do things her own way.

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Godkillers #2

Mar 26, 2020

This issue is about getting its feet in the water and painting a picture of where the future is headed. It's fascinating that the comic creators are going beyond the basic understanding of what a vampire is and doing something more with vampires and going deeper into the lore of vampires. This issue goes into a certain subspecies of vampires, penangglan, that originate from a different country and I hope further issues continue on this path.

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Godkillers #3

Jun 24, 2020

I would like to see the series have one central enemy or topic that it can focus on. Reading this issue feels it's scattered in many pieces and I don't see what direction it wants to take. Each issue has had a monster of the week but this feels like the wrong approach for this series. This series introduces the monster and gives a history lesson of each one. I wonder why they go to so much effort if they are going to be forgotten about in the next issue. The best aspect of this series is the art. The supernatural beings have incredible designs. The backgrounds create a sense of unease to prepare the reader for the subject matter.

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Hidden Society #2

Mar 25, 2020

This issue is set up to define the world in which the characters are living in but there leaves more to be desired. This issue feels slow because it sets up the future battle between a newly formed group on the side of justice and an ancient evil and their supporters. I would have liked it if this issue spent a bit more time to focus more on the Siblings of Nihil and their motives.

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Hidden Society #3

Sep 23, 2020

The misfits are finally getting into gear as they skip through all the adventuring and go near the finish line. A flaw of this series is that it is paced too fast and this doesn't allow for the world to sink in. I know that a bunch of misfits are gathered together to put an end to an ancient group of evil wizards. But there is hardly anything known about these misfits. They don't have any defining aspects to them that make them stand out. They just conveniently reunite at the end to face their foes. There hasn't been anything in this series that makes me wonder why should I care about them? This issue is racing at full speed to get to the end and there are various signs that it's impacting the story.

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Rangers Of The Divide #1

May 19, 2021

Megan Huang's debut starts off slow but has the potential of becoming a grand spectacle as she delves into a war-torn world in future issues. She paints a majestic picture with her lively background. These backgrounds create a reason why this world needs to be expanded upon. Her characters need a bit of extra push to feel alive. Most of them don't have a mind of their own and are similar to genetic character models. They need time to grow but with the direction that this series is going, they're going to be left in the dusk.

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Rangers Of The Divide #2

Jun 16, 2021

On one hand, Megan Huang has painted a gorgeous world with life brimming at every corner. There is so much to behold as you look at Megan's work meticulously come to life. On the other hand, this series needs to pick up on where it wants to go. Is it going to be a fantasy story? Or is it going to fly to the sky and come crashing because it wants to add other worlds with science fiction elements? If this was a long-running series then it would be acceptable to have multiple directions.

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Space Pirate: Captain Harlock #1

Jun 9, 2021

This new series majestically captures all the aspects that make Captain Harlock a wonderful but tragic figure. It's a majestic chance to witness the amazing freedom-loving Captain Harlock in all his glory in this new adventure and why he becomes an icon. It takes a small peak to its past but it's boldly moving forward. This issue went by quickly as it had to handle how to show its past to new readers but also create this bold new future. There were a few bumps along the road but it set up a future of wonderful possibilities. It's best to get the slow parts right from the beginning and then blast off as the series moves forward.

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Strayed #1

Aug 21, 2019

This issue does a fantastic job at creating the universe where humans are powerful but I don't feel it goes deep enough to demonstrate that world. I am curious as to see a little bit of how the rest of humanity is performing in this world. I am intrigued in seeing Lou being personified to be a human and yet still be a cat.

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Strayed #2

Sep 18, 2019

Lou has simple desires but these come at such a high cost because of his special power. Will he and Kiara be able to go home or be trapped till Lou can no longer live. Another character, Major Williams get the limelight this issue and some of his motives are fleshed out and he is given significant room for growth. He is shown to have a small heart but will his heart be able to survive as he progresses towards his immoral goals.

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Strayed #3

Oct 16, 2019

This issue suffers from pacing issues as some characters are given a backstory and motivations but not enough time is given for these to sink in. The characters feel like genuine beings with distinct emotional traits which is the strongest aspect of this issue. The stage is set for the story to move into the climax as Lou has to decide what his fate and that of all lifeforms will be.

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X-O Manowar (2020) #1

Mar 25, 2020

This issue lays out of the groundwork for this arc of X-O Manowar. Aric and Shannara's arrival at this time is supported by a family who he saves. The family will serve as a good anchor to this time period and give Aric a human connection who will help him understand the times. I enjoy where the story is heading and hope to see this arc continue with Aric on working with the human side in modern times.

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X-O Manowar (2020) #2

Nov 25, 2020

Having an ultrarich person step into the world of superheroes can layout the groundwork for a fascinating tale. Maxwell Lord from DC Comics is such a similar character to Troy Whittaker and I hope to see how Troy is distinguished from Maxwell Lord and what impacts he has on the world. Dennis Hallum touches upon a strong moral question of what can be considered fundamentally right and how does a person walk upon to achieving justice. It so easy to have overwhelming power and decide other's fate but the consequences of those decisions are the path of a hero's journey.

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X-O Manowar (2020) #3

Dec 23, 2020

Superhero beginnings are full of mistakes but are bound to be entertaining. Those mistakes are the stepping stone for what type of hero they will become. X-O Manowar commits the biggest mistake in the book as he reveals his actual name in front of the camera. Dennis Hopeless has the right idea in pairing X-O Manowar with Troy. Their relationship as master and pupil is going as well as anyone would expect.

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