From the legendary Leiji Matsumoto, along with Jerome Alquie, comes an epic new story! Set within the timeline of the original series, this brand-new Captain Harlock adventure marks the beginning of a new story arc. Planet Earth is threatened by an upcoming invasion by the Sylvidres and despite being banished as a pirate, Captain Harlock won't give up trying to save the world. This time, the source of danger comes directly from Earth, not outer space. A team of scientists discovers a Sylvidres mausoleum where they find information about terrifying genetic manipulations and a destructive power capable of either providing the Sylvidrmore
Space Pirate Captain Harlock #1 did a fantastic job of setting up this world and these characters in such a way that has me locked in to what comes next. A swashbuckling space epic is just what I needed in my life, and I can't recommend it enough! Read Full Review
This new series majestically captures all the aspects that make Captain Harlock a wonderful but tragic figure. It's a majestic chance to witness the amazing freedom-loving Captain Harlock in all his glory in this new adventure and why he becomes an icon. It takes a small peak to its past but it's boldly moving forward. This issue went by quickly as it had to handle how to show its past to new readers but also create this bold new future. There were a few bumps along the road but it set up a future of wonderful possibilities. It's best to get the slow parts right from the beginning and then blast off as the series moves forward. Read Full Review
Space Pirate Captain Harlock #1 is a good start. It feels more like a Free Comic Book Day prelude in a way with its split focus but it has me wanting to read the next issue. So, in that way, it's a success. I can't say how well it continues the original material but visually it feels like it nails the look. As someone who only remembers the property in hazy memories, this debut has me wanting to go back and watch the original source material while I wait for the second issue. Read Full Review
Space Pirate Captain Harlock is a solid homage to its anime and manga counterparts, while also serving as an intriguing new story arc for the series. While future installments may serve as a better indicator of the comics overall quality, this first issue is still a fun read for Captain Harlock fans both new and old. May the Arcadia venture forth! Read Full Review
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