Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet #1

Writer: Robbie Thompson Artist: Leonard Kirk Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 7, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
6.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

•  HAN SOLO escapes Corellia by joining the IMPERIAL NAVY, vowing to return for QI'RA.
•  But how does a thief used to the chaos of the streets adjust to the order and discipline of the military?
•  Not well! Han's dream of becoming a pilot is quickly grounded as he realizes he may not even survive basic training!
Rated T

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Nov 17, 2018

    The story improves once past the movie, though it's fairly rote for what happens to the new recruit. The visuals are better, with several aspects of Solo's life looking good. This issue establishes the premise, now I'm hoping that the story will explain why Han didn't stick with the Empire. After all, he is, as he will be told, a hero. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 13, 2018

    An exploration of this period of Han's life is one that I do want because there's potential for some interesting things when it comes to his time in the Academy. Both as a character and to explore what the Imperial Academy itself is like. That's not what this series will be. What we get here is something a little simpler, leaning more toward the comedy, and going through things at a pretty good clip that keeps it from feeling like it has any meat to it. It's not bad as there's fun to be had here and seeing the strange path his life takes has its moments. Thompson's script captures the character as presented in the film well along with his age and Kirk's artwork and layouts keeps it all moving along well and with some fun moments throughout that land nicely. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Major Spoilers - Stacy Baugher Nov 12, 2018

    HAN SOLO IMPERIAL CADET #1 has the potential to be a great addition to the Star Wars universe of stories, but it has to tread lightly and watch out for the pitfall of trying to cram too much into the given space. That said, I look forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Patrick Cavanaugh Nov 7, 2018

    This issue wasn't necessarily bad, per se, but felt wholly irrelevant and made it difficult for us to get invested in a journey that will likely turn out OK for the main character. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Kaasen Koy Nov 7, 2018

    In my review for Solo - A Star Wars Story #1, I said that it felt that comic was nearly just an advertisement for the Imperial Cadet series. It seems it was the kind of advertisement that gives away the whole plot and all the biggest moments. I’m still optimistic for this series, and future issues should be able to move out from under the shadow of the movie and it’s comic adaptation (which is already beyond Han’s academy days by the end of the first issue). I just hope Imperial Cadet learns faster than its namesake. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    AIPT - Connor Christiansen Nov 7, 2018

    Star Wars: Han Solo- Imperial Cadet does nothing to deepen the lore of Han Solo nor add to the Star Wars canon. It is ultimately a waste of time, even for the most die-hard fans. Read Full Review

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