As Sid and Pneema hunt down a lead, Sid does a little digging in secret from the Weavers.
Sid continues to be an interesting character, he is still a mystery and still remains enigmatic in Weavers #3. This is not a detriment though, this slow reveal feels very satisfying, and will make readers want to come back for more. Artwise the comic looks great. The Weavers grotesque powers are beautifully rendered by artist Dylan Burnett. Read Full Review
Smartly combining multiple genres, and teasing out its mysteries across several issues, Spurrier's series is shaping up to be one of the highlights of 2016, and Weavers #3 doesn't show any drop-off in quality. Rather, it reinforces the impression that this comic is something special. Read Full Review
I'm afraid it's time for me to tap out on this series. While this would normally indicate that I'm not a fan of the creative team, I'd actually love to see what they end up doing next. There's a ton of talent here, but Weavers has proven not to be the best vehicle for it. Read Full Review