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Sequence #1

5.3Critic Rating
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  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Sep 11, 2005

    Sequence is not a bad comic by any means, but it is a shame to see superheroics of a rather generic sort, and individual stories that, due to either a lack of compelling central concepts or an unfamiliarity with the specific requirements of anthology storytelling, fail to stand out. Theres considerable talent here, but more thought needs to be applied to what exactly the creators want to do with it; simply stuffing together a number of fluff pieces (strong as they are in execution, none of the stories here seem to really be about anything) isnt good enough. Harsh perhaps, but these creators can do better, and I hope to see them do so in future issues. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Sep 11, 2005

    Though very unpolished, the seeds for interesting future stories are here, but we need more original superhero fare because I get the sense I have read most of the material here, and under more engaging and entertaining circumstances. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - John Hays Sep 11, 2005

    The third story, well for one thing there wasnt even a title so I dont know exactly what to call it. The art was excellent, with the penciled hair details really catching my eye. Plus, youve got to love pugs; theyre so ugly, theyre cute. However, the story, if you could call it that, left much to be desired. Nothing of any substance really happened. She didnt catch any ghosts. She didnt go to Coney Island. She didnt help the boy find his parents. I just didnt get a good feel for what the story is really about, other than the idea of her being a reluctant ghost hunter. Weakest of the three. Read Full Review

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