Ruse #18

Writer: Scott Beatty Artist: Butch Guice Publisher: CrossGen Critic Reviews: 3
7.3Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Dale Roberts Apr 2, 2003

    Archard and Emma do find each other and there is a happy ending as the two leave the island. Emma may not be so happy, since she also lost her beloved journal on this island. Artwork by Butch Guise is always on the money - you won't be disappointed! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Mar 30, 2003

    The high budget comes from Butch Guice's, Mike Perkins' and Laura Martin's superb settings as well as the typical jungle cliffhanger trappings. The "dance" between Emma and Miranda is a sultry one and when taken in consideration with the dialogue hilarious due to its straightforward presentation. Despite Miranda's apparent wish to tongue-lash Emma (pun-intended), she also wants to feed from her as a magical leech and kill her because she's too dangerous to have around. The artists convey every one of Miranda's emotions. It's doubtful that Miranda is attracted to Emma as anything but a shark to chum, yet they show this villain having some obscene fun. Emma's response is to keep a stiff upper lip. Maybe it's just me, but the whole tango struck me as simply ludicrous to the extreme. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 6, 2003

    I like Emma, and I'm glad to see Scott Beatty appears to as well, as since he's taken over the book Simon has become more of a background player, while Emma has taken center stage. Now the interaction that Emma had with Simon was one of the more engaging elements that this book had going for it, and Scott Beatty seems bound & determined to deliver stories where this interaction is virtually nonexistent, which is highly disappointing. He's also taken to delivering more grandiose adventures that don't really require much thought or investigative work, which is also a bit worrisome. However, the book does offered up action that seems to take better advantage of Butch Guice's talents, and to a certain extent it is nice to see this book display it can have a wider range that the simple investigation of mysteries. I'd be lying if I said I was enjoying this book as much as I had been under Mark Waid's guidance though. Read Full Review

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