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Ashes #1

Writer: Gerald Sanchez Artist: Lionel Ordaz Publisher: Damage Comics Release Date: September 23, 2015 Critic Reviews: 4
7.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 9.4
    Project-Nerd - Anne Sep 26, 2015

    Overall though, Ashes was a skillfully-told story with realistic and believable characters. Matt's struggle was no Sisyphean labor by any means, but still maintained a very believable level of strife that served to keep Matt's attitude justified. Ashes is a heartwarming tale that I'd especially recommend to anyone who's overcome (or is still overcoming) their own struggle(s) in life, because you don't need to be an injured firefighter to relate closely to Matt Terwillegar. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Dale Roberts Jan 31, 2005

    Comments: Ever wonder what it felt like to be a vampire? The guy depicted in this story is wandering the streets, having a burning feeling inside, a craving, a hunger, a thirst. This very strange guy is named Ash. Ash compares his craving to what junkies on heroin feel. So he finds himself going to this large nightclub for Goths. The nightclub is called Hell and he refers the place as the Disney for Goths. The artwork in this comic book is over-the-top! Highly detailed and each panel is like a masterpiece done by Rembrandts great-great-great grandson. Some slippery methods are depicted as our vampire gives us a tour of the nightclub innards and tells some big guy that he dropped some money on the floor, when he goes down to retrieve it, the vampire breaks his neck and carries him off into the restroom, where he sticks a corkscrew into his neck for his drinking purposes. This is not your typical Anne Rice Interview with a Vampire vampire, nor is it anything like the vampi Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Nov 3, 2005

    From the excessive depictions of blood stained fangs and gore to the creepy zombie like eeriness of the monsters dwelling within its pages, to its treatment of vampirism as an affliction which leaves the protagonist a ravaged corpse, vomiting at every turn, rather than a gift of immortality, Damage takes a crack at reinventing the genre and just barely misses hitting one out of the park. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Oct 31, 2005

    In The End: While I may not want to read the next eleven issues I can't say that I feel like I wasted my time. Sanchez obviously has a plan and he is executing it well. Ordaz's art reflects the story and shows an eye for detail that is nice to see in an independent book. Frankly I think I would enjoy this more as a movie, but that probably has more to do with the fact that I don't normally buy comics like this. Read Full Review

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