"Fox Hunt, Part 5": The Fox and She-Fox have invaded Mr. Smile's evil headquarters and are on the attack against the final five deadly villains that stand between them and their son! As parents do battle for the fate of their son, blood, sweat tears and money are on the line - but the freak magnet and his super family are far from finished! This arc may be ending, but the Fox's adventures continue on - if he can survive the final showdown with the dreaded Iron Fox! Featuring story, art and covers from the biggest names in comics, including variant art from Robert Hack, David Mack, Eli Powell, and Bill Sienkiewicz!
Although Dark Circle Comics provided Graphic Policy a FREEcopy of issue #5 forreview, I purchased it anyway. Read Full Review
I'm not sure what's next for the Fox after this as I don't think a new series has been announced yet, but when there is one I'll definitely be back. Archie's Dark Circle line of comics has been a pleasant surprise and The Fox stands out among them as one of the best. Haspiel and Waid tell a serious story without ever taking themselves, or more importantly The Fox too seriously. I'd encourage you to give this series a try as The Fox is a solid and fun comic done right. Read Full Review
The Fox took a bit but the series won me over completely with what it wanted to do, but mostly because it moved past Paul for a good chunk of it and worked his family. Things come full circle at the end here where Paul becomes an accessible and likable character that leaves me wanting to see more of the family business come to life and what fallout there may be from their interactions with Smile. Haspiel and Waid have put together a really fun book here that harkens to the past in a lot of ways but with the right kinds of modern touches to bring it all together. Haspiel's artwork in particular is a big sell simply because of the panel layouts and the camera work done to present the action, going from unusual places to give it a very distinct sense of self that makes it engaging to read several times to take in those aspects. Here's to more adventures with The Fox and his family in our future. Read Full Review