The villain takes center stage as south Texas's necromancy problem is revealed, and Sebastián Fiumara gives Geof Darrow a run for his money.
Abe Sapien #21 proves that it may be an era where there's Hell on Earth but there are heroes still fighting against the tide of darkness. Add in a smart but capable creative team and we're left with an outing that gives action, suspense and thrills from beginning to end. So in short when all is added together dear readers this comic book comes highly recommended. Read Full Review
Overall, this is a slight issue in terms of story and character, but in terms of zombie action, it delivers in spades. Read Full Review
Some people will say that the zombie market is becoming over saturated with every publisher looking for the next Walking Dead, even to the inclusion of elements from that show (missing girl for example). With Abe Sapien, Mignola has created a world that appears familiar in both setting and character stereotype, but done so well that for the most part, you enjoy the book for what it is. Read Full Review