A multidimensional nightmare unfolds and wrecks chaos on Spiral City as the powerful superhero known as the Black Hammer joins forces with the brutal vigilante known as the Skulldigger to put an end to this madness.
Featuring a special 1-page Inspector Insector backup story by Rich Tommaso!
The talent for world-building that Jeff Lemire has shown in his Black Hammer titles never ceases to astound me. His universe already seems as wide and varied as DC's or Marvel's, but he continually adds new settings, characters, and stories that add deeper levels. Black Hammer Reborn #5, Lemire continues widening the boundaries of the World of Black Hammer. Read Full Review
Ward and Sheean do amazing work with the art in the issue. The characters are expressive and visually interesting. There are some great panels throughout and the two cities on top of each other is thrilling to see. Read Full Review
Black Hammer Reborn takes an interesting turn in this issue all around. I really like the new artists on it for this “guest” run of it as they definitely get the right vibe of the property overall but bring their own style to it as Spiral City begins to meet" Spiral City. Lemire walks us through the start of Lucy's breakdown and how she's putting up walls quickly to numb the pain and to avoid having to really process it at all. It's definitely really well done and the small moments deliver while the bigger ones, such as that last page reveal, set us up for what's to come in a really great way. I'm excited to see where this arc of the run goes. Read Full Review
Malachi Ward and Matthew Sheean arrive to take over Reborn artist duties, and the new styles conveniently fit the changing tone of the book. Read Full Review
I know part of Black Hammer's charm is how theyre building a brand new superhero universe in a very Gaiman-Willingham-Cary sort of way, bringing a multiverse like this makes me nervous.
Lots a space in this issue too. Let's see where this goes.
The little story at the end is cool.