Buddy Cops One-Shot #1
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Buddy Cops One-Shot #1

Writer: Nate Cosby Artist: Evan Shaner Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: March 13, 2013 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 1
7.4Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

EXPLOSIONS! MONSTERS! BEER! Dark Horse proudly(ish) presents Buddy Cops, the classic tale of a demoted space cop and a 1970s android that hate each other and beat up evil things. Get ready to enjoy the laugh-inducing odd couple of Uranus and T.A.Z.E.R. as they take on gigantic orangutan and vegetation beasts while debating the sexualization of toasters! MONSTERSWAT!

  • 10
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Mar 13, 2013

    Buddy Cops is a laugh-a-minute rollercoaster ride that I want to get on again. I'm not sure it would work as an ongoing, but we definitely need to check back in on the duo every so often. Cosby and Shaner has a lot of fun with Buddy Cops, and so does the reader 5/5 Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Steve Paugh Mar 13, 2013

    Everything about this book, from its sharp yet gleefully sophomoric wit to its well-manicured yet simple art to its clever lettering of sound effects like "splashnslam" or my personal favorite, "fffwwwSPACEBOOOoomb," is sheer, unbridled fun, and it thankfully has absolutely no allusions to the contrary. It's bright, outlandish and one of the best times you'll have for three bucks ... outside of Tijuana. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Apr 9, 2013

    The smartest thing Cosby does with the property is limit the length of the stories. Yeah, he would have been limited in part by the format of Dark Horse Presents, but this is the sort of material that works well in short form in that anthology format. The extreme nature of the characters, plots and comedy seems to work well in small doses. Buddy Cops works as a drive-by hooting. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jimbus_Christ Mar 15, 2013

    “Buddy Cops” is a perfect world of sheer comic insanity that I cannot recommend heartily enough. For any fans of the buddy cop genre theyll find perfect winks and nods to their sensibilities, and for those of you just well versed in comics, youll find yourself having a ton of fun and laughing out loud the entire time. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 15, 2013

    "Buddy Cops" #1 is a humorous comic certain to find a following among fans of tales similar to "The Tick." As a matter of fact, Heather in this issue bears a slight resemblance to an offshoot (pun intended and if you don't get it, read the comic) of El Seed. I'm hoping we see more of Uranus and T.A.Z.E.R. soon as Cosby and Shaner definitely have a way with producing comics that bring the fun and the funny. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Mar 16, 2013

    Buddy Cops quite deliberately hits as many ridiculous "buddy cop" clichs as it can fit in each brief story (there are three), not to mention familiar tropes from sitcoms, monster movies, and superhero comics, all of which are deployed for maximum ridiculous comedic effect. The jokes are pretty low, but that's exactly why they're funny. Buddy Cops is more than a send-up, it's also a tribute to the kind of ridiculous camaraderie we've come to expect in stories like this, and Cosby delivers in fine fashion. Evan Shaner is one of those guys who is constantly popping up in my field of vision, and it seems whenever I ask myself "Who is the brilliant cartoonist that delivered this little bit of four-color perfection" almost half the time, it turns out to be him. So, even if you're, I dunno, a robot or something, and don't find Buddy Cops funny, you can still buckle up and enjoy the hell out of the art. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Mar 13, 2013

    Evan Shaner handles the art and the issue looks pretty enough most of the time. The majority of the humor revolves around dialogue, but the few scenes that are more physical in nature are some of the best bits. Buddy Cops is ridiculous, both in concept and execution, and Shaner delivers on that. There's a slight lack of detail on many pages, but given the breezy nature of this comic, that's no big offense. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Mar 13, 2013

    But the book does wear its heart on its sleeve, beginning with a premise that very openly sounds like an elevator pitch of a bad TV show: A bad cop gets coupled with a do-gooder cop. One operates entirely outside procedure, the other is obsessed with it. Oh, and it takes place in the future and one is a robot, the others drunk a lot. Buddy Cops isnt breaking boundaries or doing anything other than exactly what it sets out to do: put a few extended gag strips together for a one-shot comic. And it does that, just nothing else. If this is actually a pitch for an ongoing, I certainly wouldnt read it, but Im sure people would pick it up and be amused. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Randall Austin Mar 13, 2013

    Let me say that Cosby and Shaner are not talentless. They just misplaced their talents Buddy Cops definitely appeals to a specific audience-this time, however, it didn't appeal to me. It is important to note that regardless of the audience, Buddy Cops needs to work on improving their story and dialogue. The jokes were crude and disjointed and each little mini-story was basically the same. Dark Horse stated that they proudly(ish) present a new comic. If this passes for the Dark Horse Level, I wonder what I can get published! Read Full Review

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